Learning From Our Differences 2018

Today, Dennis Oehler, a professional sprinter in the Paralympics, came to our school. He told us the people with disability’s have the same opportunity as people without disability’s. He also told us how he ended up as an amputee. This is his story:

One day Dennis’s friend asked him if he wanted to go to a hockey game. he said yes, so they were on there way. But It was raining so hard, that their car was messed up. Luckily, they got to the hockey game. But when they went back home, the car broke. so Dennis went out to push the car to the side of the road. Unluckily, Dennis was hit by two cars in the process. he ended up needing to get his leg removed.

What I feel was important about Dennis Oehler coming was him teaching us that deep down inside, no matter how we look, we are all people.

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