Capstone blog post #3 – the interview

Before I started my capstone I already knew who to interview. His name is Anthony Goenagga, my dads friend. Anthony is the athletic trainer for the New York Knicks. I was really excited for the interview because I knew I was going to learn a lot from it. I had 9 interview questions my questions were.

  1. How do the Knicks players train
  2. What do they eat
  3. How does the training they do affect their body
  4. Why do they train
  5. How do you help train them
  6. How many days a week do they train
  7. How many hours a day do they train
  8. How do you help them when there injured
  9. How often do they diet


In the middle of the interview some of the players were walking in the halls playing music I thought it was really funny. After the interview I learned a lot. I think Anthony answered the questions pretty clearly and easy to understand. There was an answer I thought was interesting. It was about their routine when the Knicks players go to the training facillity. But the question was how many hours a day do the Knicks players train. I took the interview on my phone. After the interview was done I said “thank you so much” and then we started the site visit.


Capstone blog post number 1 – Choosing a topic

In fifth grade starting in May ending at the end of the school year you do a capstone project. A capstone project is one of the biggest projects in fifth grade where you eventually present a slideshow. For the capstone you have to choose a topic which you will research for two months and do your project about. For my topic I chose Athletic Training. It was a little challenging to chose my topic but after my parents gave me the idea I agreed to do it. I didn’t really know to much about the topic so I am pretty interested in learning and researching about it. Also I knew what I was going to do for my interview and my site visit. I am pretty confident about my topic. In school we were supposed to make a chart with questions that we would be researching about. On my poster I put nine questions. The question I chose was “What are the differences about basketball training and football training”. I am really excited and confident to do my capstone on Athletic training.

blog post number five – final product


Since we did the immigrant interview. We were assigned to make a Spark Video of it. The Spark Video is supposed to be a story told about the immigrant. We were supposed to use narration, text  and photos. My teacher said if we have no text on the slide, and just have voice recording then we have to at least have a photo. For the voice recording for the video I had to listen to the actual video to get it together.

The video had to be three minutes long minimum with some what like 20 slides. In Spark Video you can use something called a theme. I picked the” focus” one.

It was easier than I thought to do the slides. I had to find a specific picture that connected with my voiceover. Overall, I am having fun doing the immigrant slide show for Spark Video.

This is a YoutTube video of my Spark Video.

Immigrant blog post #4 – the slide show

Since we did the immigrant interview. We were assigned to make a Spark Video of it. The Spark Video is supposed to be a story told of the immigrant. We were supposed to use narration, text  and photos. My teacher said if we have no text on the slide, and just have voice recording than we have to at least have a photo. For the voice recording for the video I had to listen to the actuall video to get it together.


The video had to be 3 minutes long minimum with some what like 20 slides. IN spark video you can use something called a theme. I picked the focus one. Since the slideshow has to be three minutes long each of my slides is around 7 seconds.


It was easier than I thought to do the slides. I had to find a specific picture that connected with my voiceover. Overall I am having fun doing the immigrant slide show for Spark Video. 

Immagrant blog post #3 – The interview


Before I did my interview I was a little bit nervous. I was nervous becasue I wasn’t confident the video was going to turn out well. For the interview I factimed my grandfather with my mothers phone and I took the video with my phone. I was ready because I had  all of my questions ready. When I started the call I became a little more confident as the time passed. The video was supposed to be no more than five minutes long, but I accidentaly made it eight.


When I called my grandfather on my moms phone he picked up right away. I got butterflies in my stomach. So I said the first question. “1 Why did you leave your country?” I thought his answer was pretty good. But when my grandfather said something I didn’t prefer for him to say I cringed. At the end of the eight minute video I was super satisfied. I thought the whole video turned out very good. And I gave a big thanks to my grandfather. I am going to be super excited to put the interview video into spark video.




Blog post number 2 – Spark Video



We make our interview into a video and then put our interview video into a website called Spark Video. Spark Video is a really cool and easy website to make slideshows and more. Before we put our interview video into Spark Video we did a practice video about Rube Goldberg. Which was one of our earlier projects. For our practice Rube Goldberg slideshow we were assigned to make a 10 slide video. We put in pictures and text. Mr. Casal showed us a lot we could do with Spark Video and I was excited to try it out.


Mr. Casal showed us voice recorder which I thought was something really cool that I wanted to use. In my first slide for my Rube Goldberg I wrote This is my Rube Goldberg slideshow for an intro. I kept on working on my slides putting pictures and text. Eventually Mr. Casal showed us something called a post. A post is basically a slide but you can explore and add much more. I made a post and put it in my 8th slide. I am really excited for my next Spark Video slideshow.

Writing the Immigrant Interview Questions – Interview #1


In 5th grade we do an immigrant project. We choose someone to do an interview on about. We choose 10 to 15 questions to ask our immigrant. The questions are immigrant related so that’s why we chose an immigrant. I chose to do 12 questions. There had to be at least 10 green light questions. A green light question is where the answer has to be a full sentence. A red light question is where the question is an only one word answer. I am going to interview my grandfather who immigrated from Hungary. For the interview I am going to call him.


I got a sheet of paper where some questions were. So I used some of the questions on the paper for my interview questions. This is a link to my Interview Questions.



Those were all of my questions that I am going to use for my interview. I am very excited for the interview. I wonder what he is going to answer.

Rube Goldberg #6 – Reflection

Our Rube Goldberg project so fun. My group and I had a great experience. We worked very hard and the hard work we put in payed off. We went through a lot of challenges like putting all of the dominos together to taping a cup onto a table and failing a ton of times. We took a lot of breaks to play xbox which was fun. It took a lot of time to get our whole Rube Goldberg building done. At first we started building in the attic but than we realized that we needed a table so we can put all of our materials on it.


After we accomplished the finished building my group was very relieved. At the start we had a lot of fails and it was very frustrating. But, buy our 16th time we succeeded! My group and I were super happy we never thought we were going to succeed. We made an imovie about our whole project showing going to the hardware store, our fails and successes and brainstorming. Our group and I had such a fun time with this project.

Rube Goldberg #5 – Our Success



Our Rube Goldberg was very frustrating because we had so many fails before our first success. Several times we dropped the basketball it bounced over the truck and didn’t hit the blocks. Since that kept on happening we moved the truck farther from the ramp. We used a stick each time to mark where the truck was so that if it failed we could move it, and if it worked we could keep it at the same place. Then, our next challenge was getting the cup just right so the ball would fall into it. The cup couldn’t be to high or too low it had to be just perfect so the ball would fall in. taping the tubes were also a challenge. We discovered when the tape was to tight there wasn’t enough air flow and the ball would get stuck.


We kept getting closer and closer and our last change was to move the toilet paper roll to the end of the ramp instead of infront of the goal. We weren’t really succeeding well at first but at last, we succeeded! My group and I were so happy and relieved.    


Rube Goldberg #4 – going to the the hardware store

After our second meeting we realized that we didn’t have the materials to successfully build our Rube Goldberg. So, we took a trip to the hardware store. There, we found some useful items like tubes, tape, rope, we found multiple tubes like styrofoam tubes and plastic tubes. We were happy what we found so we went back to my house to try them out.


The first time we tried using the materials we failed a bunch of times. We couldn’t figure out how to connect the tubes so that a ball would go through them. We also couldn’t figure out how to get the ball in the tube. By the end of the day we cut a whole in the cup and taped it to a tube, we had one more step. But we didn’t know what would happen after the ball went through the tube, and we weren’t one hundred percent sure that the ball would go into the cup, we realized that the cup had to be placed slightly under the table. We made progress but we only had half of the project done.