Site Visit – Capstone #4

For my site visit, I went to the CBS Broadcast Center. I went there because my main inquiry question is “How has the invention of the iPhone affected our daily lives”? So the reason I went there was to see how the people who send the daily news out to iPhones. So why are you asking yourself, why is this related to daily lives, well because since you have had any smartphone has it changed the way you check the news?

When I went there I got to meet the Albert Lewitinn, who runs the app that streams live news to iPhones. I also got to meet Scott Pelley, and I got to take a picture with him on set! Scott is the one who you would most likely see on tv everytime you watch CBS or even on your iPhone.  Overall, I thought that the site visit was a great way to get information and it was super fun!

Here is a link to the CBS News website:

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