Constitution Project Blog Post

For the past few weeks in class, we have been working on a new project to do with the constitution. All of us had to choose a question about one of the amendments of the constitution. I think that this project really related and connected to the past project we had done on The Bill of Rights because they were both about amendments of The Bill of Rights. To do this project chose a question about I the 19th amendment because even before we started the constitution project I already knew a lot about the 19th amendment from researching for fun. I also chose this amendment because it is my favorite amendment, for it gave women the right to vote.

To do this project, what we first had to do was find a question and research it. What I mean by that is we had to think of a question about the amendment we chose and then try to find the answer to that question. My question was, Who were some women who made significant change for women’s suffrage. I spent about a week researching on ducksters,, and even books from the library.

After we finished researching we went to creating the script. I think that this was one of the hardest parts because we had to write a lot and find a way for our writing to be timed perfectly. That meant that we had to either be able to expand or cut down our writing, which can be very hard sometimes, and in this project it was hard for me.

When we were done with our scripts what we did next was make our slideshows. I think that this was the easiest part because all we really had to do was find images. Some of the images were hard to find because most of the amendments people were doing their questions on were old amendments. We had to have an open flexible mind to look for other images that were somewhat similar to the ones we wanted.

The final part of the project (other than doing the blog post) was making the Sceencastify. I think that this was the hardest part of the whole process because in the wing there was so much noise and it was almost impossible to get a clean recording with just your voice. I could not record at home because every time I tried there were background noises so this step became very frustrating.

What I enjoyed the most about this project was making my slideshow. I really enjoyed this part because it was almost like a break from all the hard writing we had to do for all the other steps. This part was also really enjoyable because it was fun finding images and making them fit into the area needed.

I learned some very interesting facts while researching. 1 of these facts was that there were organizations for women’s suffrage that were completely against colored women’s suffrage. I found this very surprising because from the outside the women’s suffrage movement seems very united but the truth is, that it was not. I also found this fact preposterous because colored men already had the right to vote and why would the colored women be the only ones left behind with no right to vote. Another fact that I found interesting was that there were complete organizations just against women’s suffrage. I think this is incredibly rude and so naive that people would just come together to hate or try to stop something.

In conclusion, I think that this was a very hard project but it was also a very fun project. Like all projects, it had its ups and downs but now, I’m glad I did it and I can’t wait for more projects like this.

This is the link to my screencastify.