We The People Bill Of Rights by Adam Lambert

Today in class we watched a video on the Bill Of Rights and we had to answer some questions about it. These are the answers to the questions.

In a free country, to me, the most important right for a citizen to have is the right to have a voice and the right to speak freely. I think this because when you have a voice you can influence the government and try to make the country a better place using your voice. Nobody should be able to silence your voice or take your right to speech away. I think that the most important right for a student to have is the right to know as much knowledge as any one of a different religion, country, culture. This is very important because then all the students have the same amount of potential for their future and they face no discrimination based on those things. In general, nobody should face any discrimination especially if it affects how much knowledge they have.

I strongly think that all citizens should have the same rights because having different rights for different people is what started the Revolutionary War at first. King George was not taxing the people of Britain while he was taxing the American Citizens very much. Throughout history, this continued but it also continued to be fixed. For example in 1920 when women FINALLY got the right to vote. Before that, women did not have the right to vote due to old fashioned beliefs.  Legally, today all citizens have the same rights and the only way for them not to is due to age, crime, etc.

Sometimes our rights can be limited and these rights can be limited for better or worse. For example, the right that says that only people over 18 can vote. This is a good reason for the law to be limited because (most) people under 18 are not mature enough to comprehend the complicated politics of voting. (I still wish I could vote)

I think there are a lot of laws that people believe that there should be. I also think that the USA has a government that could easily adapt to new laws and has been for almost two centuries. One law repeal debate that has been going on for a while is the debate to repeal the second amendment about the right to bear arms.

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