December 23

Answers coding program

I just had to use what I knew which was to put show and then in perentices and in quotes what I wanted on-screen or with let where you put the question in the bar. What I found hard was when it said it can’t find this in scoop so I would delete it or would rephrase it.I found all of this difficult but it was good practice and was fun and interesting to.

December 15

Learn to code 1

I learned what put into the function tab today. The function tab’s space is where you are supposed to define the code word. The puzzle was mostly focused on getting around the puzzle, toggling the switches, and learning about, and using the function part. What made this challenging is that sometimes when you make a bug it can be hard to find out what to do to fix it. One way that can help you is to slow the time down on swift playgrounds and it can go through the code step by step.

December 11

Learn to code 1

1.Byte moved forward 3 steps

2.Byte collects the gem

3.Byte moves forward 4 steps

4.Byte toggles the switch

What I found hard was what the goal was but all you have to do is look up at the top of the screen to understand the goal.In addition , did not know that the steps just took one step but you just have to remember that.One thing that might help you is to switch the angles so you understand what code to put in because different angles might help you understand what to code.

December 10

Everyone can code

Coding can be used for many things. Coding can be used for things that I didn’t even think of like just making a to-do list. People in the video say they can do anything they want on it. Coding can also be helpful for health tips, apps, and even procedures as well. Anyone can code if they just learn some simple coding stuff and coding can make a change.Coding as shown in the video can make a change and can help people so much.

December 10

Music video

I looked at Eashan’t blog post and I liked the project because I like the duel music and the hole music in general. I also like the instruments and the background. I like the animation because I like the piano and it actually looks like it is being played instead of just an illusion and looks really realistic. Like I said before I really like the music choices because I like western theme music which is what duel music is.

December 7

All about me

I completed some activities on programming 201 about how to make your character move. To make your character move you use the move 10 pixels button and can change it to any amount of pixels and to make your character jump you use the jump button.What I like about tynker is that it is super easy to find blocks and understand them very easily by what they say or you can drag it to the monster at the top to see what it does and what it means. I find it difficult to add new levels and save your previous level as well. One thing that I learned to do is that you can type the words in the coding block into the search bar for blocks to find him.

I chose my background and character because I like cars(especially the Formula 1 Red Bull car) and Formula 1 because of the great action. I chose the white ball to go into the hole because I really enjoy playing and practicing golf in the spring, summer, and fall.