February 27

Truss project : Design and build-up


To create a project like this you first have get lots and lots of toothpicks and get carrots. Chop them up with a knife into pieces/squares. Stick the toothpicks into the carrots and then make your own design. My design was simple but stable. I had three equal triangles on both sides, a square at each end, slanted, with a couple of toothpicks taped together to put across it to make it two triangles. The top and bottom just long rectangles. To make a stable design, it should be wide and long. Triangles are the strongest shape so create a lot of triangles as supports to make it more stable. When taping two toothpicks together, try and keep them tightly and neatly wrapped around so they don’t fall apart as easy to make them more stable. Lastly, The carrot pieces should be about 1cm wide, high, and in length to be able to stick three or four toothpicks and be able to adjust them without breaking up the carrot piece.

Posted February 27, 2021 by jclay27 in category Uncategorized

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