March 9

How to build catapult

You need 12 popsicle sticks,3 rubber bands, a bottle cap, and some glue. Stack 10 sticks on top of one another. Then put one stick through to make it look like a cross. Then tie a rubber band on each end to hold it together. Then put one stick on top of the stack and the one through the middle and connect the tips of each stick with a rubber band. Finally on the same stick, get any bottle cap and some glue. Squirt some glue on the tip of the stick. Place the bottle cap on the glue and gently push down and wait for one hour at least (a few hours would be better though).

Bonus: Game 1: Get a piece of paper and draw a bullseye and the middle is ten points, next level is 5 and after that is 3 or 1.

Game 2: Use your catapult to annoy your little siblings. I highly recommend something small or soft like a marble because it is small.

March 8

Truss: Results AND Catapult info

The results are in! My truss project full of triangles was able to hold a lot of books. It held nearly 10 medium-size books. I knew that the strongest shape is a triangle so I added the supports to be all triangles to make sure that it held up nicely.  I also built a catapult. The catapult is made out of popsicle sticks, rubberbands, and a bottle cap. It does not matter where you put the bottle cap on the first half of the slanted popsicle stick because it will go the same distance. It also barely matters, if at all how much you push the slanted stick back to any angle. Numbers: From the effort arm tip to the fulcrum(the bottom) is 150mm. The Load to the fulcrum is 100mm, 150mm/100mm= 1.5 mechanical advantage. The catapult can hit about 3 ft long and a couple feet high and can fit up to about 3-5 marbles depending on positioning.