Reflecting on 4th Grade

My favorite things in reading is the social issues book club and also I really love to listen to Miss Rickard read the read aloud book. My favorite math unit is decimals because decimals is only different from regular numbers because the have a little dot called a decimal between the numbers and we + and – them. In social studies I really enjoyed learning about the 1600 and 1700 hundreds I like to learn about history of the country i’m living in also that it was the time of the american revolution between the 13 american colonies trying to be independent from it’s mother country Great Britain. In that we did colonial day which was so much fun there was a group of people who came to our school and taught us some things that different kind of people did in those times and the y gave us a thanksgiving lunch. My favorite thing in writing is when she let us free write and write stories or about things that we did so that I could express my feelings or what I want to say in the form of writing. The thing I like best about science is the stream tables we did many projects on the stream table my favorite on was trying to stop the houses from over flowing.In art I really enjoyed everything that we did. Spanish was pretty cool to I learned a lot of Spanish when I go to mexico I will use it. In p.e. I really enjoyed playing whoopee kickball. In chorus and music I like to sing,it is quite enjoyable to me.

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