Immigration blog post @WE ARE DONE!!!

In my immigration group we finished everything including editing it is so cool to see how all this work concluded into a such awesome project. There were so many cool parts to this to this project for example the research was really cool because I got to learn what it was like to be a immigrant or learn.

Immigration filming

Immigration filming had many many parts to it. From the filming to the editing to the redoing thing over and over. Overall I thought it was challenging and hard work. It had it’s fun parts though like setting things up and getting stuff done and being successful.

The easiest part about making the video was probably doing the voice over the reason that it was so easy was because we had our script ready to go.And we got that done really fast. I think we got it done so fast because we were all working hard and we knew what we were doing.

Immigration Stop Motion anamation

For the last couple of weeks I have been studying immigration, I am with a group with two other people. Together we have studied immigration  and wrote a script so we could film a stop motion animation which my group is on know. Stop motion animation is a video were you take pictures of something and you take a picture of it and move it and then take a picture of it and so on till all of the pictures come together as the something that is walking/moving.

But in this project there is a little twist. Our “something” has to do with immigration. My groups project is based on the difference between  immigration now and back when Ellis Island was still operating.