
So right now in school were doing rocketry. Its been preaty difficult though its really fun. The members of my group are Me,Harley , Drew , Taj and Lana . My Team made great procces since the start. Although theres been some bad thing like incorect measurments and other things like that are desire to finish were on a high level. One of the biggest jobs ive done was taping and measuring things. Two people who were really helpful were drew and lana. One big thing that ive learned was why the rocket should or should not be that light heavy or tall.

Publishing my personal narrative

This afternoon I was working on publishing my personal narrative called “the golden game” by me of course. I’ve been working on this piece for about 2 weeks. I really think when I finish and post it people who read it will really enjoy it and feal like there in my experience.

The Sport blog

I found this really cool blog called the guardian it inspires me on my like of of sports so I think I can do sports facts,jokes,and the latest updates on the week or weekends games  if want to check out my inspiration web press the link down low.<