
Rocketry Reflection November 9,2016 5 boyer. One of the biggest things that we were doing at this point was measuring and designing. I had to think to myself how many wings should I have? This is my group we are called The Rocketeers. In this picture we are creating our inspiration board. An inspiration board is basically the start to designing the rocket.Should we have any rocket extensions to our original rocket? What materials should we use? What should the nose cone look like?

This is a picture of our rocket after our launch. The launch was set up like this, there was the launch pad, you hook the rocket to the launch pad and there’s a bicycle pump for the air pressure and then there’s a rope with a handle when you pull it the rocket launches into the air.

Two people in my group hooked up the rocket to the launch pad then I went to the air pump and started pumping when I finished I said to my teacher “permission to launch”,  when she said yes I ran over to where the rest of my class was and started chanting 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLASTOFF and the rocket soared through the air. When the rocket reached the ground there were some backfires. One of our wings snapped off so my group knew we had to do some major reiterations, maybe even reiterate the entire rocket.


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