Expert lecture #7

Yesterday the coolest person came to our class to talk about his job  ms.Boyer’s former student. He works for google and he was here to telling us about his job. He has the coolest job. They have so many cool things at google, at google they have nap pods secret rooms in the library and rock climbing wall and even a five star restront and they can do it when ever they want and it all comes with there jobs which means free. If i was there it would be pretty cool. His part in working at google is not to play with all the grown up toys they have there that would be just dumb but cool to have a job just to do that. He works on google classroom, google classroom is a website that belongs to google in google classroom there is the teacher and the teachers class the teacher gives assignments on his/her computer to send to the kids on the websites. I know all of this because that I use google classroom with my class in Spanish class. Google classroom has a lot of different parts to it would be way to much if he worked on the hole thing, he works on the part that when you share something with another website it works smoothly.

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