Soldier boy 1st entry

In the book Soldier boy by Dan Hughes, this book is about two young boys who have enlisted to fight for there countries in World War 2. This story is alternating between there different but alike stories and experiences. The novel opening’s up a week after Germany invades Poland. The story introduces a character named Dieter who is a ten-year-old boy who wants to make his family proud by going to war. He is a self-conscious little kid that cares about what other people think. While on the other hand there is the 15-year-old Spencer Morgan from Utah, Spencer comes from a humble family that owns an orchard that grows fruits. He is a little bit like Dieter because instead of trying to impress his family and friends he is trying to impress his crush. Next, the narrative jumps ahead two years and tells us more about spencers back story with his family and friends and what he is going to do next with his life which is join the paratroopers. So far of what I have read in the book is about the backstories of Dieter and Spencer and a lot of there similarities and differences that I have stated like who and what they are both trying to impress and what for and that they live on opposite sides of the world believing and fighting for different things. I left off in the book when Spencer has passed his intelligence exam and is sent to Georgia for his basic training to go to London were he becomes part of the 17th airborne infantry Division. Also with Dieter being 15 workings with the Hitler youth and what it looks like becoming eager and more eager to enlist to fight. In conclusion, we will see how these boys’ backgrounds, similarities and differences will affect how the proform, handle and do things during different times of war.

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