IRB blog post 4

After the last part of the book leaving off with Spencer being confused about why he went to war and dieter still being the proud nationalist that he is. Today we are talking about the end of the book and how it relates to the start and middle of the book also. Our main topic today is setting and mood with a little bit of historical understanding. The setting and mood of this part of the book might be the most brutal part being of the gory scenes that are described. Now both of these boys finally realize that going to war was the main objective is to kill was worse then they thought. Spencer still Refusing to accept the norms of war, that you simply let the enemy die when Spence hears the cries of a young wounded German soldier he knows he has to act. What would he want someone to do, he asked himself, if his own little brother were the one down there?” In the end, his act of heroism is remembered, but he’s not there to witness it. Spence’s heroic act is not what he thought it would be, he gets shot by another German soldier while trying to do this. This relates to the setting and mood because one minute you might be trying to save someone’s life and the next moment someone is trying to take yours. Dieter, on the other hand, is worried about dying and is scared to fight now. In conclusion, this book really reflects on how someone might change their decisions and though one something after the time of doing that thing. The ending of this book was expected for me because of the fact that these boys were different the entire time but would change there mindset to become more similar.

Irb blog post 3

After leaving off in the book Soldier Boy by Dan Hughes, Dieter believes that it Is his life’s duty to fight for his country. He uses this quote more than one time, “standing up for the Fatherland, making it a great nation again.” While spencer starts to realize that the only reason he is doing this is to impress a girl he may not see for another 10 years because of war. This week feeling is going to be the focus, because of what these boys and feeling about being in this harsh war and maybe some of there regretting feelings. In this part of the book with really see some of the most gruesome, mentally and physically hardpoints in the book and in the war. We start to see how these young boys and handling being in this war. First starting with Spencer who is fighting with the idea of why did he sign up for this so profusely without thinking it over. In every chapter when it talks about him, he fights with the metal idea of dying for nothing because he states that he is confused about what he is fighting for, (for himself). While Dieter is the less developed person compared to Spencer, Dieter is still in the war, fighting with pride and sharing no inside feeling yet with us about how he is dealing with what he has gotten himself into. There have been some small hints during Dieter’s time in the book about him starting to regret his possible rest of life decision. In conclusion, the feeling of these characters so far might not be the same but are starting to become very familiar. We might start to see some changes in physical activity from Spencer and the mental change in dieter as this book starts to end.

2nd soldier boy part

After leaving off with Dieter being 15 workings with the Hitler youth and what it looks like becoming eager and more eager to enlist to fight. We start reading about there next stages of life possibly heading into combat soon. Now entering these boys the first taste of war spencers battalion gets dropped of nearer to the front lines, Spencer starts to realize that what his sister said earlier in the book that he was just trying to ” Show up Luann” his crush. After spencers the first couple of days in London, he and his battalion are sent to the Ardennes Forest. Hitler undertook a surprise attack across the Belgian and Luxembourg borders, going fare into the Ardennes Forest.  Dieter is still fifteen and part of the Hitler Youth, digging trenches that he wishes he could be fighting in. In this part of the book, it is just these two boys preparing for the hardest times of there life. Listing some more similarities and differences of these boys, one is that Dieter believes that it Is his life’s duty to fight for his county uses this quote more than on time,l “standing up for the Fatherland, making it a great nation again.” While spencer start to realize the only reasons he is doing this is to impress a girl he may not see for another 10 years because of war. A Similarity about these boys is that how there aren’t view them going to war, with either father, a veteran of the Great War, who never talks about “the brave German boys”, because of the number of boys he has seen die and come home wounded of war. Also with Spencer’s parents making sure that this is what he really wanted to do with his life, being worried about him. In conclusion, we will see how these boys handle the devastation of war times mentally and physically,

Soldier boy 1st entry

In the book Soldier boy by Dan Hughes, this book is about two young boys who have enlisted to fight for there countries in World War 2. This story is alternating between there different but alike stories and experiences. The novel opening’s up a week after Germany invades Poland. The story introduces a character named Dieter who is a ten-year-old boy who wants to make his family proud by going to war. He is a self-conscious little kid that cares about what other people think. While on the other hand there is the 15-year-old Spencer Morgan from Utah, Spencer comes from a humble family that owns an orchard that grows fruits. He is a little bit like Dieter because instead of trying to impress his family and friends he is trying to impress his crush. Next, the narrative jumps ahead two years and tells us more about spencers back story with his family and friends and what he is going to do next with his life which is join the paratroopers. So far of what I have read in the book is about the backstories of Dieter and Spencer and a lot of there similarities and differences that I have stated like who and what they are both trying to impress and what for and that they live on opposite sides of the world believing and fighting for different things. I left off in the book when Spencer has passed his intelligence exam and is sent to Georgia for his basic training to go to London were he becomes part of the 17th airborne infantry Division. Also with Dieter being 15 workings with the Hitler youth and what it looks like becoming eager and more eager to enlist to fight. In conclusion, we will see how these boys’ backgrounds, similarities and differences will affect how the proform, handle and do things during different times of war.

Buddy meeting marble mazes!

Today we met with our buddies this time we did marble mazes. Marble mazes are a cool thing to make in your free time expecially because the are fun to play with and are related with science. So before we started we had to come up with an idea. My idea was very complicated it had different levels so it could travel faster. It was so fun but even more fun doing it with our buddies. I was having some trouble finding the materials because everyone and everything was scaterd out. I new this was going to be challenging and fun and I was right my buddy and I helped each other installing were everything goes on our plate marble mazes. That was one of the challenging parts it was a plate so it was hard to put everything one and the material of the plate is plastic, plastic and glue (i was using glue) don’t really go together so when I glued down the pipe cleaners and the rest of my materials would not stick our stay on the plate all because of it’s material. It was still very fun how could it not be I was hanging out with my buddy Neil. when Neil and I were done we said goodbye and said that was fun and went back to our classrooms and that was the meeting with my buddy.

Immigration blog post @WE ARE DONE!!!

In my immigration group we finished everything including editing it is so cool to see how all this work concluded into a such awesome project. There were so many cool parts to this to this project for example the research was really cool because I got to learn what it was like to be a immigrant or learn.

Working on my final product Capstone #5

In my capstone product I am up to the stage were I am working on final product, That means writing my script and reheasing over and over till I pretty much memorize the entire thing. Here is the script

Ted Talk Script

By Jack F.

Up until a month ago the only thing I knew about food was how it got from my plate to my stomach. For my passion project I choose cooking because I wanted to learn how to cut, use an oven, hard boil eggs and much more. But I still needed needed to know, How does the cultural and geographical aspects of a country impact its cuisine.

Let’s talk about japanese cuisine and sushi. Japan is an island on the pacific ocean and fish is a main food. Sushi is the food most people think of when they think of japanese food and cuisine. It is usually rice with raw fish or vegetables. Let’s talk about the fish part of it. Fish is eaten in japan and in many different ways such as raw or cooked, wrapped and rolled in things or even put in soups. It is part of japanese culture and most people’s daily life in japan. Many people work on the docks of Japan as fishermen or working in the fish markets on the coasts of Japan.

The other part of sushi is the rice which is another primary food in japan. Rice is part of every japanese person’s daily life. Japan is the ninth largest rice producer in the world.  85% of the 2.3 million farms in Japan grow rice. The reason they are ninth in the world is because there are eight countries in the world that are better at them at it. Just joking Japan is a small country and they can only have a certain about of farms that can only grow a certain amount of rice. The rice season in japan is May through June in the north. In the south, the rice seasons are April through May, also spring but in earlier spring.

Now, let’s travel over to Italy and experience their geography, culture and cuisine.

Italy’s culture and geography impact’s it’s cuisine. Everything in Italy impacts it’s cuisine, including the land with the sea to the south, the mountains to the north and the volcanoes – they all impact Italy’s cuisine.

The climate in the north of Italy and the south of Italy are different so the foods are different. For example, in the north, pasta is harder to dry so fresh pasta like pappardelle and tagliatelle are popular there. Another example is in the south where it’s warm, dry pasta like spaghetti and rigatoni are popular. In the north the weather is colder and the landscape is mountainous, and the south is the opposite which is hot with long summers and many flatlands.

Italians life is lived around the kitchen and because of that there are many recipes that are passed down through the years. For example, does anybody know the company called Rao’s tomato sauce? They have commercials that explain the dedication to the recipe and tradition to making this tomato sauce.

In Italy there are different places that are good for growing different things. Central Italy is known for growing vegetables and poultry. The south is known for fish and dry pasta. The north is known for hearty meats.

Tuscany is in central Italy and is known for wine, meat, vegetables and fruit. Italy’s drinks are just as important as it’s food.

Cheeses from different parts of Italy are also different.  In northern Italy cheeses are mostly made from cow’s milk. In central Italy, cow’s milk is also commonly used. The south is known for using sheep’s milk and making a cheese called pecorino. The tradition for aging parmesan was a tradition from the Ancient Romans. The Romans were also a big influence on Italian cuisine.

To learn more, I visited a chef named Robb Garceau. Robb also runs a catering company. I spoke with him , and he showed me around the kitchen that he works in all day long in Queens,New York.

The kitchen was the most exciting part as it was really big and there was an area just for desserts and pastry and also a bigger area just for poultry.

Robb told me about his journey to becoming a successful chef, he told me a crazy story about how he was asked to cook in a kitchen and did not know how to saute but he said when he started cooking it was love at first site and he decided to leave college and go to culinary school.

I have to practice that just about 20 times a day. You wold think I would be joking no way Jose I literally have to practice that about 20 times a day



Answering Your Main Inquiry Question Capstone Post #4

My main inquiry question had many factors in creating the question. It took a long time to complete, but answering  it was a whole new thing and it involved lots of research. I had to research so much that my fingers started to hurt just to complete answering my question. I needed a lot of help with answering this question, and some of the people that helped me were Ms. Boyer and Mr. Casal. There were many other people that helped me with this question. My sources were: