Capstone blog post #1

In class, we have started our Capstone unit.  A Capstone involves choosing a topic to study and coming up with a main inquiry question to answer.  The first thing we had to do for this unit was brainstorm topic ideas. At first, I didn’t know what to do but then I decided to do the Broadway show, Hamilton. This is a topic that I know a lot about and that interests me. Once I found out what my topic was I had to find out what my main question was.  After a Zoom call with my teacher, I decided to make my question, ”What are the key elements that make Hamilton successful?”  I decided to pick this question because it focused on all of the things that I want to learn about. After we found out what the main question was going to be, I had to make my sub-questions.  Sub questions are questions that help me figure out the answer to my main question. Since we have finished all of these steps the next thing we have to do is study our sub-questions and research more on this topic.

Doing this project has made me learn about myself as a learner by showing that I can learn a lot more about a topic if I am asking a question and looking for an answer, instead of just looking for facts about the topic all around.

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