Technology of softball

My favorite sports is softball. Something cool about softball is that there is a lot of hidden technology in it. A softball bat is a class 3 lever. When you hit the ball the batter is putting in the effort. The fulcrum point of the bat is towards the top middle of the bat and is where the bat curves. The load would be the ball because that is the form of mass coming at you at a high speed. When you swing the bat all of these components make the ball go the opposite way fast.

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When watching the video, Kira showed me how much fun and cool it is to create your own app. She was really special in the video because she is younger and her story is more relatable. She told us how when making an app all she had to do was some codes and she had a real app in the App Store. Then she told us how proud she was of this achievement. This really made me think about how cool it would be to have your own app that you created available for millions to play.

Computer Science is Changing Everything

In the video “Computer Science is Changing Everything”, One thing I found really interesting was Vidas part. She was talking about medicine and how Computer technology is Changing the medical field. This was something I never really thought corresponded with coding. This kept me thinking about how import  Computer technology is for us.

The History of Typography

During our class time in computer lab, Mr. Casal showed us the history of tpyography. After watching this video  I wondered “why don’t we use them that much anymore,” “why don’t we use those names” “what about cursive” but what I did learn is that the first typography was black letter by Johamos Gootinberg and Jenson made roman.

How about italics all I new before was script cursive and print and now I’m learning about the different strokes and the most famous, Helvetica I never even new that was a thing! The video was really fun too , it helped me pay attention too. did you know that before the computers only had pixel, and that is the history of typography!


here is the video we watched:

The History of Typography by Ben Barrett-Forrest from Dezeen on Vimeo.