February 5

Being the youngest is not fun

  Being the youngest is NOT fun.


1.Being the youngest is NOT fun because, you get picked on , you don’t get as many privileges, and you get less attention.


  1. One reason being the youngest is NOT fun is that you get picked on, You get picked on because the other kids think you are weak. For example, when I was 3, my older cousin who was 7, he wanted to see how strong I was, because he thought I was weak but, I wasn’t so, he told me too punch his nose, and I did. Apparently, I punched so hard that I gave him a bloody nose. I proved him wrong that I was NOT weak. When you get picked on, they expect you to cry or tell on them. When kids pick on you, they might use techniques such as, choking, punching, bullying behavior, kicking, and you get the point. That’s why being the youngest is NOT fun.                                           
  2. Another reason for why being the youngest is NOT  fun is because you don’t get as many privileges. You don’t get privileges to stay up late, get a phone until you’re 10 well for me that is the rule you. You don’t get to stay up late because you have to get “rest” for the next day, even if it is 7:00 pm! I mean, like, why can’t we sleep at 8:00 pm or something?  I know that parents like to sleep in on the weekends but, letting the older kids stay up late? I mean, come on! That’s not fair at all! Anyway, not letting some kids get phones until they’re 10 is totally NOT fair. It’s not fair because

– some people are responsible

-they kinda need a phone in case of emergencies like when they’re lost         

-they need to have entertainment

The last reason being the youngest is NOT fun is because you get less attention. You get less attention because your parents spend so much time with you when you were younger that they want to spend time with your siblings (if you have any,  which in my case I do) and not me.

  1. You mostly get less attention because they don’t spend enough time with your siblings.

     People should care because if you are the youngest and you want to know why you get less attention or why you can’t get a phone then you should read this because this has most of the answers. All I want you to know is that being the youngest is NOT fun.


Posted February 5, 2019 by kchan27 in category Uncategorized

7 thoughts on “Being the youngest is not fun

  1. clammer27

    I thought that being the youngest was the best ~ now I see it has some downsides.
    I have a question for you though, what would you rather be, the oldest, middle, or, as you are now, the youngest child? I would like it if you told me back!!! 😊
    I really liked that you gave us examples of how being the youngest child was hard, and you used your experience. Thanks! 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

      1. agoldman27

        Hi Kara! I like your blog post. I thought that being the oldest was hardest. But now it may be tied with the youngest! About your response back to Caitlin, in your essay, you say the youngest gets the least attention, but in your comment you say that you, the youngest, gets the most attention. Which one is true? Let me know. Great job again. Bye!
        From, Annabelle

        1. kchan27 (Post author)

          Well, sometimes the youngest gets attention but not to much. In my family I get a little amount of attention. I only get about 45% and my the other kids in my family get 100% of the attention. They get WAY more attention then I do.


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