Expert Lecture #6

This time Jonah’s mom came in to talk about genetics. she talked about chromosomes and marking about genetics. In the end, she also gave us some books we could read about the topic. I had a really fun time!

Your gender is determined by chromosomes, one from your dad, and one from you mom. A male’s chromosomes is made up of one X chromosome and one Y chromosome. On the other hand, females have 2 X chromosomes, and no Y chromosomes. Your mom will definitely give you an X chromosome, while you dad could give you either an X or Y chromosome. So nobody has 2 Y chromosomes. The chromosome is passed through by a sperm. So basically the sperm determines your gender. If you are a boy or man, the sperm from your dad had an Y chromosome, while if you are a girl or woman, the sperm had an X chromosome.

Marking a family in the genetical way sounds a bit complicated, since it can go on forever. Male people are marked by squares, while females are marked by circles. A couple is marked by the square on the left, the circle on the right. an unknown gender is marked as a diamond with a p in it. If adopted, the person adopted is marked as its gender inside a [ ], with a connected line to the person who adopted the other person.

We marked Harry Potters family in the genetical way. It was so fun. I had a great experience.

All About Chocolate

I really like chocolate. Chocolate is a type of candy that is made from cocoa beans, powdered milk, sugar, and cocoa butter. There are many types of chocolate, such as caramel chocolate, milk chocolate, peanut chocolate, dark chocolate, bitter chocolate, which is unsweetened, and  hot chocolate drinks. Chocolate comes in all shapes and sizes, from big blocks to chocolate chips used in cookies. I like most of them.

First, where did chocolate come from? It came from long ago where cocoa trees grew. Farmers mimiced the ways monkeys ate the cocoa pulps. Later, when Europeans came, they brought it back. It was served as a drink and only the rich could afford it. Then even later, a man named Milton Hershey sold lots of chocolate and was one of the most famous. His plant made and sold a lot of products. He sold Hershey’s bars and kisses.

Chocolate has many ingredients. Of course, there is chocolate liquor and sugar. There is sometimes milk and cocoa butter. The remains squeezed out of chocolate is bitter chocolate. To shape chocolate, you must melt it then shape it using molds the way you want it, such as circle or rectangle. But it is referred as sweet flavor.

I like chocolate because it is sweet and energizes me. The taste also is  great, making it a candy I really enjoy, as I like chocolate ice cream and cakes.

As you can see, I love chocolate, but not all the time. chocolate is sweet, but it is one candy I really like.