Underwater Dreams Reflection

In the movie, Underwater Dreams, the main characters took part in a underwater robotics competition. The boys were only in high school, they were competing against some top collages. The boys were undocumented immigrants from Mexico. Their family’s didn’t have enough money. When they were building their robot, the parts used to make the robot were parts from Home Depot while the other schools had expensive parts that were handmade. The boys robot cost $800 to make while the other schools like MIT had sponsors and their robot cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. When they were at the competition they had a lot of issues with their robot. There was flooding where the mother board was, they didn’t know how to solve this issue. But they figured out a way to stop the flooding and were resourceful. They worked super hard on there paper and presentation and they ended up winning the competition! After winning the competition the boys took different paths. They couldn’t do a lot of stuff because they were undocumented immigrants so they couldn’t be engineers like they wanted to be. They inspired many kids at the school that they went to that no matter what your origins are you can do great things.

Reflection Post 3 – Computer Tech

This past week we have done a lot of codes but when my partner and I were doing the Interactive Story we got quite far but then we had a issue moving the characters at the right time to make them become smaller. We didn’t know what to do at first, we tried to fix the problem by ourselves but it kept going wrong. After that we went to out teacher Mrs. Cronx and we asked for help and we figured out how to fix our problem. I’m glad that I encountered that issue so I can understand how to fix my mistakes.

Reflective Post

Some stuff I learned in Computer Tech are how to make sprites bounce up and down, how to change the
color of sprites, how make sprites talk to each other, and how to make a interactive story.
Computer Tech is also super fun and you can code anything you want and mess around with it. You can
also do projects and that helps you have a certain goal in mind.
I would like to know more about how to make your interactive story more interesting and and more then
two outcomes. I would also like to know more about Tynker and how to use that.