Starting Tech!?

On the first day of school we got our schedule, and more importantly we got our quarterly. Which I had no real expectations for so I looked at my schedule and saw I had Tech as my quarterly. As I said before I had no real expectation, the only thing I was really thinking about was trying to find the way there because I was told it is really far away. So at period 6 I walked to tech with a friend and… we got so lost we thought that we would be the last ones, well we were, anyway after trying to find our way to tech for about 10 minuets we eventually found it! I met the awesome tech teacher Mr Calvert he was so nice. He talked to us about what to expect about 6th grade tech and what we will be doing. I found out tech had so much more to it than just computers, we would making this and learning about technology its self. I thought we would be typing on our Crome books things the whole time. Then the next day Mr Calvert went over all of the safety about technology and how to properly use the materials I found out that there can be some really dangerous materials. Then we had today were Mr Calvert set us up on our old or new blogs. I was really happy about this because I love working on our school blogs, anyway he told us we need to do 10 blog posts this year after he told us that he said we would kind of have homework. The homework was to write a quick blog post on tech so far. He said we can finish our blog posts here or at your house. I decided to finish mine at home.

Capstone – My main inquiry question

How does Australia’s climate and geography contribute to the unique animals that are native to Australia?


I finally get to do the blog post on my main inquiry question and I have been excited about this for ages because all my weeks of research have led up to this, anyway here it is!


Sub Question #1 – What are the different climates throughout Australia?

Most of the climates and geographical areas in Australia are partly the same. EVerything is pretty similar but there are some places that are nearer to the equator and then there are places father. for example in Darwin It is very tropical, but unalike queensland the weather the climates are pretty much the same. As I was saying in queensland on the west side it is very dessert and on the north and south side it is subtropical and its east side is very tropical. Some more examples is sydney, sydney is mostly warm throughout the year so it is pretty template. In adelaide has the same weather as sydney but it is tropical in some places. In new south wales has many different geographical areas one part of it is grassland and the next is sub tropical then in some parts there is desserts. The final place I will talk to you about is cairns and unlike new south wales and queensland it is only tropical.


Sub Question #2 – What are the animals that live in each geographical area?

There are so many animals and different climates and geographical areas throughout Australia so that makes many animals and each animals is found in a pretty specific area. I found many animals and were they are from.The koala is found in subtropical places mostly in queensland but if you are looking for them look in eucalyptus trees they are always up there. And for kangaroos they are found in deserts and grasslands around western Australia they are very easy to spot. And for the coolest one of them all the platypus the platypus is very hard to spot but if they are found the are in pools in grasslands near queensland, but humans don’t know much about them. Penguins are actually found in little grasslands near water and they are near adelaide.


Sub Question #3 – What are the animals considered Native to Australia?

So many of the animals in Australia are native to Australia. More than 80 percent of the animals in Australia are native to the island. So what are the Animals native to Australia? The popular/famous ones that I don’t really need to explain about are the koala the kangaroo the echidna, the dingo the platypus the wallaby and last but not least the wombat. But the animals that aren’t really famous is the bandicoot there are 20 species of the bandicoot and they are marsupials along with the koala Kangaroos and Wallabies and Koalas and Wombats And Tasmanian Devils and Possums and Gliders. There is also the Cassowary The cassowary is very scary because of its colors and they have big red eyes they are only found in northern queensland. Then finally the Emu the emu is very similar to the cassowary, but what make them so cool is they can run up to 35 k per hours and they are actually flightless.


Sub question #4 – What are the most unique animals and what makes them unique?


There are so many unique animals in Australia, this is because when asia was connected to Australia and all the animals from asia moved to Australia then over time Australia separated from asia and the climate changed crazily so they had to evolve so it is possible that the bear has evolved to the kangaroo, anyway all the animals in Australia are unique. The first one is the echidna the echidna is unique because they only eat ants and termites also they are covered in spikes (like a hedgehog) they and the platypus are the only mammals that actually lay eggs and what makes this crazy is there is species in the world witch is pretty crazy. There is also the platypus which is unique because it has the bill of a duck the tail of an beaver and the feat of an otter. And as I said before the platypus and the echidna are the only animals that lay eggs. The dingo is very unique it is unique because it is a wild dog but they have a completely different personality to them, they don’t bark they howl, and what is pretty cool about them is they don’t just along the only hunt in packs. Next we have the koala the koala is SO cool for so many reasons one of the many reasons is when they go to claim a new eucalyptus tree they spray it with a special liquid so other koalas no it is taken for the other koalas to use. Also you  may think that koalas look like bears but they are actually a marsupial. Also without eucalyptus trees koalas would die straight away, because they sleep there for 20 hours and they only eat eucalyptus leaves so without there trees they would die. Finally what is most unique about them is there pouches it is there because when the koala has a baby it puts the baby koala (a joey) and it grows up there until it is to big so it just stays on its back, which I think is pretty unique. Last is the kangaroo I find the kangaroo the most unique out of the bunch because of so many reasons, the first reason is they are always getting into fights with other kangaroos and humans. Why do they do this? They do this to only males because they are fighting to impress and show off the other female kangaroos. They do this to humans because this is there defence. They are also unique because of how fast they are they can hop up to forty five miles and hour!


Sub Question #5 How do the unique animals survive in different climates in Australia?


Pretty much all the Australian Animals are built for tough conditions because most animals only live in one main place particular so they don’t have to adapt into different climates because it is always the same. But in the summer of 2018 it was extremely hot, it got up to 95 degrees fahrenheit so the animals could not adapt to the hot weather so there are videos of people giving animals water because it was just so hot.  But That is not just just it that the animals did a kangaroo was reported in the shore of the ocean going through and under waves because of the heat. However if the “heatwave” had stayed for much much longer the animals would have started to adapt. For example as I said in my fourth question two hundred million years ago when all the continents were connected all the animals from asia came over to Australia then when all the continents split up and became its own place so the climates changed and all the animals slowly evolved. Anyway that is one of the reasons why animals in australia survie. One other reason why Australian animals are good in surviving is they have such cool and amazing features that can help them survive in tough climates. For example the koala has many amazing features like there pouch all marsupials have a pouch and it is really rare to have one. Anyway as I said before the joey is born and he/she crawls up to the pouch and have milk in the pouch and the joey is born, and stays safe in the pouch until it is to big so they stay on its back and this is really cool and even smart because Australia have some really dangerous animals so the mother of the animals have to be very careful and safe with there baby. My final example is the platypus the platypus is probably the best at surviving in tough climates. The platypus may seem like an animal that is very chilled and is never in danger but if you think that you are wrong they are at the bottom of the food chain. They are hunted by everything but thanks to her amazing attributes they are pretty safe. They have a snout that is great for hunting like they have a great smell! It is so good they close their eyes while they hunt. They also have great reflexes like if a platypus is looking for some food in between rocks near a pool and an animals comes to eat them they will first hear them then next they will dive down deep into the water because they are great swimmers!




How does Australia’s climate and geography contribute to the unique animals that are native to Australia?


I finally get to do the blog post on my main inquiry question and I have been excited about this for ages because all my weeks of research have led up to this, anyway here it is!


What are the different climates throughout Australia?

Most of the climates and geographical areas in Australia are partly the same. EVerything is pretty similar but there are some places that are nearer to the equator and then there are places father. for example in Darwin It is very tropical, but unalike queensland the weather the climates are pretty much the same. As I was saying in queensland on the west side it is very dessert and on the north and south side it is subtropical and its east side is very tropical. Some more examples is sydney, sydney is mostly warm throughout the year so it is pretty template. In adelaide has the same weather as sydney but it is tropical in some places. In new south wales has many different geographical areas one part of it is grassland and the next is sub tropical then in some parts there is desserts. The final place I will talk to you about is cairns and unlike new south wales and queensland it is only tropical.What are the animals that live in each geographical area?

There are so many animals and different climates and geographical areas throughout Australia so that makes many animals and each animals is found in a pretty specific area. I found many animals and were they are from.The koala is found in subtropical places mostly in queensland but if you are looking for them look in eucalyptus trees they are always up there. And for kangaroos they are found in deserts and grasslands around western Australia they are very easy to spot. And for the coolest one of them all the platypus the platypus is very hard to spot but if they are found the are in pools in grasslands near queensland, but humans don’t know much about them. Penguins are actually found in little grasslands near water and they are near adelaide.

What are the animals considered Native to Australia?

So many of the animals in Australia are native to Australia. More than 80 percent of the animals in Australia are native to the island. So what are the Animals native to Australia? The popular/famous ones that I don’t really need to explain about are the koala the kangaroo the echidna, the dingo the platypus the wallaby and last but not least the wombat. But the animals that aren’t really famous is the bandicoot there are 20 species of the bandicoot and they are marsupials along with the koala Kangaroos and Wallabies and Koalas and Wombats And Tasmanian Devils and Possums and Gliders. There is also the Cassowary The cassowary is very scary because of its colors and they have big red eyes they are only found in northern queensland. Then finally the Emu the emu is very similar to the cassowary, but what make them so cool is they can run up to 35 k per hours and they are actually flightless.

What are the most unique animals and what makes them unique?

There are so many unique animals in Australia, this is because when asia was connected to Australia and all the animals from asia moved to Australia then over time Australia separated from asia and the climate changed crazily so they had to evolve so it is possible that the bear has evolved to the kangaroo, anyway all the animals in Australia are unique. The first one is the echidna the echidna is unique because they only eat ants and termites also they are covered in spikes (like a hedgehog) they and the platypus are the only mammals that actually lay eggs and what makes this crazy is there is species in the world witch is pretty crazy. There is also the platypus which is unique because it has the bill of a duck the tail of an beaver and the feat of an otter. And as I said before the platypus and the echidna are the only animals that lay eggs. The dingo is very unique it is unique because it is a wild dog but they have a completely different personality to them, they don’t bark they howl, and what is pretty cool about them is they don’t just along the only hunt in packs. Next we have the koala the koala is SO cool for so many reasons one of the many reasons is when they go to claim a new eucalyptus tree they spray it with a special liquid so other koalas no it is taken for the other koalas to use. Also you  may think that koalas look like bears but they are actually a marsupial. Also without eucalyptus trees koalas would die straight away, because they sleep there for 20 hours and they only eat eucalyptus leaves so without there trees they would die. Finally what is most unique about them is there pouches it is there because when the koala has a baby it puts the baby koala (a joey) and it grows up there until it is to big so it just stays on its back, which I think is pretty unique. Last is the kangaroo I find the kangaroo the most unique out of the bunch because of so many reasons, the first reason is they are always getting into fights with other kangaroos and humans. Why do they do this? They do this to only males because they are fighting to impress and show off the other female kangaroos. They do this to humans because this is there defence. They are also unique because of how fast they are they can hop up to forty five miles and hour!

How do the unique animals survive in different climates in Australia?

Pretty much all the Australian Animals are built for tough conditions because most animals only live in one main place particular so they don’t have to adapt into different climates because it is always the same. But in the summer of 2018 it was extremely hot, it got up to 95 degrees fahrenheit so the animals could not adapt to the hot weather so there are videos of people giving animals water because it was just so hot.  But That is not just just it that the animals did a kangaroo was reported in the shore of the ocean going through and under waves because of the heat. However if the “heatwave” had stayed for much much longer the animals would have started to adapt. For example as I said in my fourth question two hundred million years ago when all the continents were connected all the animals from asia came over to Australia then when all the continents split up and became its own place so the climates changed and all the animals slowly evolved. Anyway that is one of the reasons why animals in australia survie. One other reason why Australian animals are good in surviving is they have such cool and amazing features that can help them survive in tough climates. For example the koala has many amazing features like there pouch all marsupials have a pouch and it is really rare to have one. Anyway as I said before the joey is born and he/she crawls up to the pouch and have milk in the pouch and the joey is born, and stays safe in the pouch until it is to big so they stay on its back and this is really cool and even smart because Australia have some really dangerous animals so the mother of the animals have to be very careful and safe with there baby. My final example is the platypus the platypus is probably the best at surviving in tough climates. The platypus may seem like an animal that is very chilled and is never in danger but if you think that you are wrong they are at the bottom of the food chain. They are hunted by everything but thanks to her amazing attributes they are pretty safe. They have a snout that is great for hunting like they have a great smell! It is so good they close their eyes while they hunt. They also have great reflexes like if a platypus is looking for some food in between rocks near a pool and an animals comes to eat them they will first hear them then next they will dive down deep into the water because they are great swimmers!



Capstone – Interveiw

For Capstone in order to finish our research we needed to of completed two of the following, we needed to have done a interview a site visit three websites and a database but that dose not really mater any way. I have finished all of that except for a interview blog post. So for my interview I interviewed a lady called Jude Morris she works for an Australian nature reserve. Anyway so what I did was I made 10 questions  and my mom Emailed them to her and she replied so these are the questions and here are her answers.

In your experience what are the most unique animals in Australia.

“that is a bit hard, there is a few I think monotremes are. I would have to say echidnas.”

What are some attributes that make them unique? (how they look, how they protect themselves, how they survive, etc.)

“Echidnas lay eggs, which they incubate in their pouch for 10 days then it hatches and stays in her pouch for about another 6-8 weeks. Then they get too spiky so they have to stay in a burrow until they can go out side to learn to  forage. They can live in all habitats in Australia from alpine areas to the desert. To survive in such diverse environments, they have adaptations such as fur, size, they can be nocturnal or diurnal. They have very sharp quills to protect them from predators.”

What animals do you think are considered “native” to Australia?

“We have quite a few. For example, we have over 80 species of bats that only occur in Australia. We have many native bees that have specific native plants that they pollenate. The newest native (which is controversial) would be the Dingo which apparently arrived 3500-4000 year

How do the unique animals survive (in Australia) in the different climates and geographical areas in Australia?

  •     ” Being nocturnal or diurnal.



  •     Ability to store fat mainly in tails (Dunnarts
    and Lizards is common)



  •     Living underground



  •     Going into hibernation or torpor



  •     Ability to cool themselves eg, Kangaroos lick”
    their forearms

How do you think the various climates in Australia contribute to the unique animals that live there?

  •      “A lot of Australian mammals have the ability to
    pause pregnancy depending on the temperature and rainfall such as kangaroos and microbats bats.



  •     Having young in a pouch means they can move long
    distances with immature young to find water and food.



  •      “A lot of Australian mammals have evolved to eat
    the harsh native plants such Koalas eating eucalypt leaves. They also utilize any water they ingest from food and produce very dry poo.


How do you think the geography of Australia contributes to the unique animals that live there?


“They have evolved to adapt to the extreme conditions which has resulted in physical traits such as hopping on 2 legs, digestive tracks adapted to dry and potentially toxic food, being nocturnal reduces to need for water, body
mass changed depending on the climatic conditions.”

#7 Do you think some of the animals you mentioned could survive in other parts of the world? Why or why not?

“Yes if there is suitable food. Possums have become a feral animal in New Zealand”

#8 your opinion, what do you think are some of the “weirdest” australian animals?


“Marsupial Mole, Notoryctes Typhlops”

#9 your experience, what are the most popular animals in Australia?

“I think some of the birds are the most popular animals such as Magpies and lorikeets”




Capstone – Site visit

For my site visit I went to Prospect Park in Brooklyn it wasn’t the biggest zoo/ park but it had what I needed. At prospect Park they had two animals that were from Australia the Dingo, and the Emu which are some of the main Animals I was learning about. So just 2 animals might not seem like a lot but it was okay. So when I saw the Emu and when I saw the Dingo there was a couple of paragraphs on the animal. The paragraph on the dingo said “In Australia Dingos seem so Numerous that some people conceder them as pests, but pure dingos are actually scares.” Then next to that It said “Dingos are top predators in Australia, capable of living and hunting either alone or in packs they eat rabbits rodents birds, birds lizards, and even small Kangaroos.” “Then for The Emu it said Emus can run as fast as 30 miles an hour. A special set of transparent eyelids helps keep dust out of there eyes while they are running at high speeds.” They had other information on Australian animals and you could learn about either in my presentation or in my next blog post. The only thing I was kind of upset was the animals (dingo and emu) were hard too see because the dingo was in a bush and the emu was lying down so I could not see them in action. But other than that it was great!

The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe Essay


In the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe, I am noticing is that Edmund is almost becoming the villain alongside the white witch. I have also learned that Edmund is really complex with his emotions because one second he is cheery and happy, then the next he is mad. I have also learned over the course of the story that Edmund is very self obsessed.

One example to show Edmund is self obsessed is when Edmund was eating all the Turkish delight and he was babbling on about all of his siblings to the White Witch, he talked about how Lucy had been in Narnia before and how she had met Mr Tummnus, then that led to Mr Tumnus potentially being killed by the White Witch all because of Edmund. Additionally one other to show this is he will give up his Siblings to the White Witch all because he wants more Turkish delight. Finally my last reason why I think Edmund is so self obsessed is when he was extremely mad at his siblings for not making himself the leader even thought Lucy had been in Narnia multiple times, and he started to grow hate.

One of the reasons why I think Edmund is really complex with his emotions is because before he got on the sled with the White Witch he was scared and almost unhappy that his sister was right, then when he got on the sled he started eating loads of Turkish delight and he was very very happy. He was talking to the White Witch. This just shows how quickly his feelings and emotions can change. Another detail is when Edmund entered Narnia he was happy and joyful to show his siblings Narnia but that all changed when he found out that all of his siblings were very mad at him so he became mad and very droopy then this got worse when his siblings voted Lucy the leader of the group, he was mad because she was the youngest and he had been in Narnia too so he thought what difference does it make. This shows that how complex Edmund really is.

In conclusion I hope that you enjoyed my “reader’s rsponse” and I proved to you that Edmund is very self obsessed and that his emotions are always changing.


Capstone – Choosing Sub questions and a main inqory question

So finally, I get to pick a question for capstone. You obviously read my other blog post “choosing a topic,” but if you didn’t I am doing my project on australian animals. So as I said before we finally get to pick a main inquiry question and trust me it is not as easy as it sounds. I was the last person to find a main inquiry question. I had to find a perfect question that would keep me interested for 7 weeks. Anyway my topic is not easy to find a perfect question and sub questions.We are supposed to find 5-6 questions, the way our teacher taught us the easiest way to find good questions was try to find level for questions. What this means is try to find a question that you cant just google, you have to do research and gather up all your research to see. The worst question is a level 1 question than level 2 than level 3 than finally level 4. As I said before I was the last one to find a main inquiry question and because of that it made super hard to find sub questions. But….. after a long time of hard work and dedication I finally got a question and a couple of sub questions! My question is How does Australia’s climate and geography contribute to the unique animals that are native to Australia? And my sub questions are What are the climates in Australia? What animals live in each area of Australia? What are the most unique animals in Australia, and what makes them unique? Anyway I hope you liked my blog post and all my questions.

Capstone – Choosing a Topic

It took me a very long time figure out what I want yo do for capstone. I was thinking what I wanted to do 24/7 I thought while I ate when I went to bed when I woke up, then when I was watching a video of animals in Australia and how they are very dangerous and then I realized I should do that and my inquiry question could be are Australian animals as dangerous as people say. Then for that day on I thought of loads of ideas like music in 1018 and I also thought about how computers work and a lot more!  now I am super exited for capstone and I have been thinking about how I want to present my project and who I could interview and where would my site visit be. I  am super exited to start!

Social Issues

I think that there are many horrible social issues. But the social issues I really don’t like is is racism and bulling. I think racism is bad because I think that everyone should be treated the same and it is crazy that some people are rude and disrespectful just because of there skin color, I think in a away this kind of relates to bulling because bulling can be jugging people by there looks to. I think bulling is bad because most of the time people bully others because of something that has happened to them, and they just reflec that anger towords others. Also I think why bulling is so common is because it is so easy to gang up on others and join in, although with the person that is getting bullied it is much much harder to stand up to the bully and help the victem.

SpaceX launch

The Spacex launch in my opinion is so cool. It is the first rocket launched that was run by a company, NASA is run by the goverment. I think it is so histroic because one it is a used rocket. two there is so much more new technolagy.

My main reaction to this is, wow because it is a USED rocket and it all started with a  businessman who started able himself  and now 5 years later he is launching a rocket into the sky. My other reaction is that it is so crazy that they have done 17 of spaceX and it has not been around for that long unlike NASA.

I am still wondering so many things, like how long will they be in the sky for, also how long did it take to build a huge spaceship like this. I also am still wondering if Elon musk new when he was starting a company he would become famous and launch one of the most famous rockets in the world.


Rube goldberg #6

finally we finished!!!! Me and Nate have worked so hard on Rube Goldberg. It took us 132 attempts! We just showed our Rube Goldberg to the class, I thought it was really good. Something I thought was very funny was a lot of people had like 10 to 15 attempts and we had 132.


This is the link to our amazing video.

I have learned so much from this project. I have learned not only how to build a rube Goldberg but it was a great way to learn how to work with others. I also learned how teamwork can help so much because in the beginning while I was waiting Nate to come to my house and I tried to set up the dominos by myself but I kept failing but with Nate we made no mistakes.

But all in all I had SO much fun !!!!!!!