Capstone Questions

For my capstone I am researching “The Science of Golf”. A capstone is a finishing to usually a wall but for our class it is the finishing of the school year. I will be doing my research for my capstone based on my main inquiry question and my sub questions. I will also be interviewing golf experts and visiting different sites to learn more. My main inquiry question that I will be doing my research on is “How are golf courses designed to be hard and get harder to play”. A few sub questions that I have are, “How do trees impact the game?”, “How are the grounds of courses taken care of?” and “How does the weather affect how far the ball goes?” I have many more but those are just some of them.

This project is a 2 month project and our class will be working on most of the time in class unlike passion project which was done mostly at home. Everybody in are class will be working on researching, answering questions and getting interviews with experts of that topic. In the end we are hoping to learn from others about there topic and learn from yourself.

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