Going to Pollo A La Brasa Misti Restaurant

Today, May 31, 2017, for our Spanish class we went to a restaurant were we only were allowed to speak Spanish and to try Peruen food.  During our last Spanish class we spent most of our time learning how to use our Spanish vocabulary at the restaurant. Today’s lunch at Peruen Restaurant was kind of a test to see how good each one of us is at Spanish.

Before we had our food we were given a questionnaire to ask each person at our table, for example one of the questions was what is your favorite dish so far.

The food that was served to us was great. I enjoyed almost every meal that was served and would like to go back to the restaurant with my family. The way food was tasted was exactly what I like. For example they put a little bit of lime on everything which made the dish very balanced and tasty. We had family style meal which include: lomo saltado which is beef and fries, my favorite dish the reason I liked was because the steak and fries were cooked exactly how I like; the second dish was pollo saltado which means chicken and fries which was my second favorite because the chicken did not taste as good as the beef but the chicken was still good. The last two dishes were Pescado which is fish and rice which was ok but not my favorite. The last was tallarin saltado de carne which is beef with noodles this dish was my third favorite because I felt like the noodles had a little bit too much lime on them.

We also tried this drink called Chicha Morada I thought it was disgusting but some people liked it. I thought it was disgusting because there was way too much cinnamon inside. Overall the trip was really fun and the food was very good.

Scarsdale Middle School Houses Thoughts

I got into Popham! Popham was the house I really wanted to go to. When I came from school I got really nervous and scared because the email about what house I was going to get into was coming soon. I wanted to get into Popham or Fountain really bad and I also wanted to get into a house with my friends. All that I wished for came true I am so relieved. I am so thankful of getting into the house I wanted to get into with my friends and I am super exited to start middle school in the house I wanted to get into with all my friends.

#4 Site Visit -Connecticut Discovery Museum

For my site visit I went to the Connecticut Discovery Museum with my dad. I went there because I thought it would teach me new programs that are used for robots. But instead it taught me better, it taught me software inside of robots and taught me where robots get there power. It also taught me, what wires that are inside robots and are used for robots. This helped me with my research by telling me what wires engineers use for simple robots for example if an engineer was willing to build a simple robot it would be using wires but a complicated robot would use code this trip taught me how an engineer builds simple robots. This trip also gave me information on how to build a robot. We also saw simple machines used for robots which really surprised me because I did not know that such a simple tool can make such a complicated machine. After my dad and I went to this room where we pull on a rope that triggers a robot to change color.

Then, my dad and I did some activities where they give you a task and you have to connect the wires to make the robot change color, talk to you, make a number etc. My favorite activity was connecting the wires and seeing what they did at the end. This was my favorite activity because it helped me realize what each wires were used for different occasions in robotics. Also while I was connecting the wires I realized where each robot got there power from. I realized this because while I was connecting the wires the power had to have come from some where, then I looked up and saw the wires was getting it’s power from this plus minus machine. Then when I asked my dad what it was he told me it was power used to make the wires work.

My dad and I didn’t only look at the robotics part of the museum we also looked at other parts such as this really cool bottle that had some sort of chemical inside that was attracted to a magnet so if you put the magnet up to the bottle the chemicals will come right to it and it was one of my favorite parts. Overall this site visit was really helpful towards my Capstone project because when I look back at the site visit, it helps me with my research.

This picture below is a picture of me looking inside of a robot and what wires are used for it.

#3 Capstone Interview With Alex Novoselov

Never doubt your mom on any sort of project cause what she did for me is great. I was really scared when Mrs. Edwards said that we had to schedule our interview I got so scared because I did not have one. When I came home that day I said mom we need to have a long talk. Once we got into a private place I told her what the problem was then she came up with such a great idea and that was to interview my relative Alex Novoselov. When she came up with that a huge sigh of relief.

On May 18, 2017 I interviewed Alex Novoselov, who’s a graduate student from Princeton University School of Engineering. This interview was related to my capstone project, about Robotic. I am 5th grade student, and this is my first experience in interviewing people. I was a little bit nervous in the beginning , even though that Alex is my distant relative. As it turned out, he’d experience robotic and told me a lot of interesting things about robotics.

I started the interview by asking my first question, and told him that I have set of questions that I need to ask him to complete my interview.

He gave me really good answers that helped me in my research such as a new software that is used for robots that I was looking for and could not find so thanks to him I found the missing piece to my research. We also had a few laughs a long the way. At first I was really nervous because I thought he would be very angry and grumpy but he really was not and was very nice. I did not expect him to give good answers because he hesitated when I asked could you answer questions about robotics.

These are the questions I asked Alex:

  1. What is the first thing you would teach someone about robots?
  2. What kind of robotics do they teach at princeton?
  3. What programs are your personal favorite programs to use?
  4. Tell me about the first ever robot you ever built?
    1. How did you start?
  5. What is your favorite robot currently and why?
  6. What is one story that stands out to you about building a robot?
    1. Could be a challenging time
    2. Could be the first robot
    3. Could be a funny story
  7. What is the difference between robot coding languages?
    1. Are they all programmed the same way?
  8. How do you put the code/program into a robot?
  9. Do you think robots will alway rely on human input, or will them eventually be able to develop their own code?
  10. Have you ever heard of the code NAOqi OS?
    1. Can you explain it to me in simple terms?
  11. How do you think robotics will develop in the future?
  12. What did you do at MakerBot?
    1. did it prepare you for your time at Princeton?
  13. Between industrial robots (robots like those that put together cars) and personal robots (like a Roomba), which do you think are more important to society?
  14. What is the most important thing to know about robotics?
  15. Anytime else to add?

Overall, I expect that this interview will really help me complete my project, specifically in the areas of style, tone, and use of specialized vocabulary. Alex was able to point me towards other resources I will be able to use to research, as well as he taught me a lot of interesting things about robotics.

This the person I interviewed below.

Capstone #2- How I Chose My Main Inquiry Question and Sub Questions

My main inquiry question is:

What will Robots Be able to do in the Future?

I chose this as my main inquiry question because I have been wondering about this for a long time and I have been wanting to figure it out for a long time. This question really gets me thinking what will they be able to do in the future. This question has been running through my head for a long time now I can finally answer it.

My sub questions are: 

Sub Question 1: What effect will robots have in the future?

Sub Question 2: Where did the idea of robots come from?

Sub Question 3: What programs are used to make robots?

Sub Question 4: How do engineers program artificial intelligence?

Sub Question 5: What jobs will robots do in the future?

I chose this as my sub questions because they help me figure out my main question. These questions are also super interesting and fascinating and they fit with my topic really well.