Rube Goldberg #2

My group decided that instead of something falling over and hitting the ball in the basket we made a car hit the bottom of the ball. We had some trouble with the car. The trouble we had was the car was not heavy enough so we had to tape some heavy things to the car to make it weigh more. Also we added a marble after the dominos. So once the last domino fell it would hit the marble but we don’t know what to do next.

Rube Goldberg Post #1

It was very hard to come up with an idea for the Rube Goldberg project. But the idea that my group came up with was putting a ball in the basket. The way that will work is when a line of magnets falls it will hit the ball which will fall in the basket. The start will be dominos that will be knocked down by a mini car. We are trying to figure out what to do next.

Martin Luther King Jr Thoughts

Do you think Martin Luther King Jr’s speech was realized? I don’t think so. I think that this was realized after it happened. But at the current time I don’t think this has been realized.

I think this because there have been many white people shooting black people and many protests. For example Colin Kapernick’s protest about black shootings. Another reason I think this is because on September 28 2016 there were five black shootings in 5 different cities and people are starting to think that white police men are bias. If a police man sees a black person doing something bad the first thing he is going to do is shooting him.

Most white people hate black people and are very bias. For example if a black person applied to being a businessman if the person who is giving him the interview is bias towards black people he will give the black person a little chance to be hired. Some of this bias act leads to deaths. Almost half of the United States is bias towards black people and this is a big problem.

I think this will end soon and Martin Luther King Jr’s “I Have a Dream” speech will be realized. screenshot-2017-01-04-at-7-34-31-pm

Should Cursive Be Taught In School?

I think kids should be taught cursive to have a skill later in there lives. If kids don’t learn cursive there might be a time were they need it but they won’t end up knowing how to read or write it. I say kids should learn cursive because they might need it later. They should learn it just in case that is why I think kids should learn it. Maybe kids could learn cursive if teacher goes on the computer and uses a cursive font to teach her kids cursive through the computer then learn to write it and read it. So kids could use computers to learn it then they could start writing it.

Water Polo Feature Article

Mason’s Water polo Feature Article

Making this feature article was so much fun. The most fun part was looking through pictures. Pages was so annoying because when you something edit something little. For instance when you make a space some thing will change in your article. I decided to do water polo because I felt like it is a very unique topic and I play it. I did not do any research. But some kids did. 

Cloning Pets TFK

I read the article Seeing Double and it talked about cloning pets. I thought this was so awesome. I thought that this was awesome because the article talked about how a dead pet got cloned four times and now there are four of the exact same breed and acted the exact same way the original dog acted which is pretty crazy. Once human cloning comes out I think there will be some really big problems.

Reflection On Rocketry

In all of the grades I’ve been in rocketry was the most fun thing I have ever done. I really really want to do this again. In my group was Rick, Griffin, and Grant our group name was Mr. GG rockets because the m stands for Mason r stands for Rick one g stands for Griffin and the other one stands for Grant.

Our group was always ahead and never was behind. All of our group members practiced every day. When it came to presenting day our group did good but some of us looked at the board and read the titles of each slide and that is what brought us down. All of our slides were good and had no problems it was just these little details that were not good in our presenting. This unit was so awesome and I really want to do it again.

Peter’s Character trait

Peter is a character in the book Pax by Sara Pennypacker. Peter is determined. For example Peter is in crutches and he still wants to look for Pax but Vola keeps telling him he can’t go but he keeps wanting to go even though he is hurt. Another example is that Peter was willing to sleep on the cold street just to get to Pax faster. Peter is very determined to find Pax and nothing will stop him. Peter is my favorite character because of this determination.

Native Americans Fight Oil Pipelines

I think that this protest was very useful because think if you were the Native Americans and you had a random oil pipeline underneath you that could pollute and destroy your land you would protest too right? I think that this protest shouldn’t have gotten out of hand like this. I mean thirty people getting arrested just for something Americans can easily fix! If a train can do the same thing just slower then why do the Americans have to make such a big deal about it. The whole point is that Americans had to make such a big deal about something we could use already to something just faster.