Rube Goldberg Idea Problem #3

Another problem with my group was that we couldn’t come up with that many steps for the machine.  Well, that’s not actually true. We had plenty of ideas, too many in fact. We were having trouble implementing all these awesome ideas we had. Some were not realistic ideas, some we didn’t have the proper materials for them and, for some, we didn’t have the patience to build them. The real challenge was coming up with doable ideas. Here we got stuck. For a couple of meeting, we were just trying to figure out how to advance our machine. We couldn’t come up with any viable idea. The only thing I could think of for inspiration was: Youtube. I did some research for easy Rube Goldberg steps. A lot of them I didn’t have the materials for. Fortunately, I found two that worked: the bounce and the book funnel. The basic concept for the bounce is a ping pong ball rolls off a track bounces on a hard surface and onto another track. The basic concept for the book funnel is you place two books next to each other, you raised one of the corners on each book, and you put a wall and a little hole. These 2 ideas inspired the rest of the group and we got back on track.