Rube Goldberg Testing #4

Rube Goldberg is very fun, making, going to Walmart to get things, see it work! But then, there is testing. You test over and over and over again until it works. You also have to setup your giant Rube Goldberg again after every fail and it takes so much time. Since my Rube Goldberg has about 16 steps to complete the final task, testing feels like an eternity, because of this fact when the Rube Goldberg worked we were soooo happy. It might have been my fault that it didn’t work because there was only 1 thing that was not working. I think that the reason for why the one step was not working was because the dominoes were too small. So, long testing might no have been a bad thing after all. The long testing made the success so much better and it also let me add a lot of fails and mistakes (small dominoes) in my video for a better grade.