March 20

Nature’s Light Show

The Northern Lights is a phenomenon that creates one of Nature’s most beautiful light shows. Take a look at theΒ video of the lights below, thenΒ read more about them here. In the Reply space below, respond to the following:

  1. According to the article linked above, how did the Alaskan Inuit and the Menominee tribe explain the appearance of the lights?
  2. List one Fun Fact about the Northern Lights.



Posted March 20, 2017 by ptomizawa in category Uncategorized

49 thoughts on “Nature’s Light Show

    1. mtyrrell


      I would like to hear more about some interesting facts. Take a look at some other posts.

      Mrs. Tyrrell

  1. dkuo26

    The Alaskan Inuit people believed the lights were the souls of salmon, deer and other animals they hunted. The Menominee Indians thought that the lights were the torches that were on fire of giants living in the North. Also, Solar Flares can cause the Northern Lights.


    P.S. I was supported by my friend Adrian for this.

  2. abrodsky26

    The Alaskan Inuit thought the lights were the souls of animals.
    The Menominee Indians thought the lights were the torches of the giants living in the north.

    The Northern Lights are typically green, purple, red or blue.

  3. awang26

    The Alaskan Inuit people thought the lights were the souls of deer, salmon and other animals like them. The Menominee Indians thought the Northern lights were the torches of giants living in the North. Did you know that The Northern Lights are actually basically illusions caused by electrons from solar winds. They are attracted to the poles by the magnetism found there. They mix with gases in the atmosphere making the glass glow. Solar flares can also cause the Northern Lights to appear.

  4. lchesnut26

    The Alaskan Inuit people believed the lights were the souls of salmon, deer and other animals.The Menominee Indians thought the lights were the torches of giants living in the North.The Northern Lights are most visible to people living in the far north. One fun fact is the northern lights are sometimes visible as far away as south as Florida.

  5. mogrady26

    1. The Alaskan Inuit thought the lights were souls of salmon, deer and other animals.

    2. Lots of people made-up stories about the Norther Lights.

  6. uoba26

    The Alaskan Inuit people was thinking the lights were the heart of salmon, deer and living things. The Menominee Indians thought the lights was a torch of a giant in the North.
    Fun fact:Some of the visitor that come from different countries look at the northern lights.

  7. gwu26

    The Alaskan Inuit and the Menominee tribe explained the Northern lights, and the Menominee tribe thought the light were the torches of giants living in the North. The Alaskan Inuit believed the lights were the souls of animals. For example, salmon and deer were some of the animals. There are lots of Fun Facts about the Northern lights, but one of my favorites is they are typically green, red, purple or blue.

  8. sgoodman26

    The menominee tribe decribed the lights as trouches of ginats living in the north.Did you know the lights are actully electronics in the solar winds.

  9. schamon26

    1.The Alaskan Inuit and the Menominee tribe explain the appearance of the lights by… thinking the lights were caused
    by the shining weaponry of the immortal!

  10. fogorman26

    The Alaskan Inuit and Menominee tribe explained the lights as there were giants living in the north with torches and one fun fact is that the lights are caused by magnetic fields.

  11. acoffey26

    The Alaskan Inuit people believed the lights were the souls of salmon, deer and other animals. The Menominee Indians thought the lights were the torches of giants living in the North.Fun fact,near the South Pole, people may see the Southern Lights or Aurora Australia. These lights are easily to see.


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