Capstone #7

Presenting was a bust. Or was it… let’s find out.


On day one for presenting, I was disappointed. About seven people came to my station. I was hoping to get more than at least 10 people, but apparently that didn’t happen. Also, the people who looked at my i-movie looked really bored and was probably saying in their minds, “Ugh i’m soooooooooooooo bored” or “c’mon hurry uuuupppppppppp!!!” I wasn’t really happy with the results.

On day two, only my mom came and watched my i-movie at my station, while all the other parents just looked at my station. I was happy with the results for that day because people (also known as my mom) actually looked at my blog, which was very exciting for me. But since it was was the last day presenting capstone, I was a bit sad, because I would never be able to do this again.

Overall, for capstone, it was an incredible journey through all the research, time and effort to do all of this work. Anyway, I loved capstone and i’m sure the next 5th graders will love it too!

Capstone #6

For capstone, the way I will be presenting is with an i-movie! I picked this as my “presentation” because, 1. I don’t like doing google slide presentations 2. I like i-movies! I also have a poster, which has a QR code, a simple definition of gymnastics, and more. I am very proud of my final product because even though I had to make major changes throughout my i-movie, my teacher, Mrs. Cooper approved it and we were all happy. Yay! πŸ™‚

Making my poster was very easy, because I had all the ideas soaring in my head like Harry Potter (weird comparison, I know.) So it was very easy to create it. My poster is a hot pink with a light pink and some purple cloud accents.

I know this is a very, very brief blog, but overall, I am very proud of my capstone results and I hope lots of people will come to my station and love it! πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Capstone #5

For my capstone blog #5, i’ll be talking about how hard or how easy it was to end up answering my main inquiry question.Β But first of all, the main inquiry question is supposed to help us with our project in general, like helping us with what to talk about during our presentation. Anyway, let’s “flip” right into this blog post! πŸ™‚

My main inquiry question is, “How does men and women’s gymnastics compare/differ?”. I think that answering this question was a bit challenging, because I usually can’t find resources that link up to one of my sub-questions, and those lil’ sub-questions help A LOT. Especially one that I can’t really get any resources from, which is, “Has the number of men or women gymnasts increased or decreased? If so, why?”. Even though I can’t really answer that one, i’m still trying to look for some resources. Although there were some struggles through the process, like changing sub-questions, doing research, citing sources, and even researching more, I think that those struggles will be just fine because I still have a bit more time left to keep researching more. Overall, this process has had a lot of struggles and challenges, but i’m sure i’ll figure it out and hopefully I will also be able to finish my i-movie (which our class has been starting but i’m not going to tell you just yet) in time. Fingers crossed! As usual anyway…

Capstone #4

For capstone, I have to do my interview and site visit. For this blog I will be doing my site visit. If you haven’t seen my last blog post about my interview, you should probably read it before this one. Anyway, my site visit was lame, just like my interview… I wasn’t really amused by my site visit because the place I was visiting was my local gym, in the JCC (jewish community center) Mid Westchester building. Since I always go to the gym for my gymnastics, it just feels like a regular place to me, not like a fancy building loaded of famous gymnasts. I figured my gym would be amusing, because you know, it’s gymnastics. People flip at random times, and they look reaaaallly cool. But as usual, you don’t always get the things you want. Overall, I wished that I would have gone to cooler places just instead of my gym that I always go to. But I think that even though it wasn’t really “action packed” and “amusing”, but I still am grateful for what I got to do, because it’s the gym. It’s fun. As usual.

Capstone #3

For part of capstone, you have to do an interview and site visit. For this blog, I will be writing my blog about my interview. My interview was not very exciting because all I did was email the person I was interviewing, who happened to be the assistant director of the JCC gymnastics program. I thought that this interview would be a lot more interesting like the other people in my class, but sadly, it was not. The other thing that I don’t really like about my interview was because since my interview was over email, it would take a while for the person to respond, so that’s a con. Lastly, the reason I don’t like doing the interview over email was because it didn’t feel “real” enough, like i wasn’t actually talking to the person. But, in my case emailing is better than actually talking in person. (I don’t know why though.) Overall, my interview for capstone was basically a bummer, and wasn’t really fun, but at least I still did it instead of not doing it at all. Just wait ’til you see my site visit blog…

Capstone #2

So, after the class thought of topics for their capstone project, we had to think of sub-questions. A sub-question is basically a smaller question that helps the research for the main inquiry question. In my opinion, thinking and choosing different sub-questions was a bit hard because some questions I had made up in my head weren’t very good, because some were subjective, and some were already answerable. I really thought that some would be linked very well to my main inquiry question, but sometimes they weren’t, then I always had to think of new questions. But now I think about the questions a lot more before I write them down, so wouldn’t have to think about more, and more different questions. So far, I think I have only four questions written down. I really hope that all my questions will be… at least good…!

Capstone #1

So, now that the class has moved on from the Rube Goldberg project, we are now doing a different one which is calledΒ capstone.Β Capstone is where you research about a topic, then step by step, you make a BIG project out of it. I’m not really interested in doing this as much as other kids in my class, but i’m sure it will be fine. My topic is gymnastics. I chose this as my topic because I take gymnastics, so I decided that it would be a good topic because I love it, and it’s really interesting. I think this project will turn out good, but not really how I would have expected it. But, as I said in my earlier blogs about Rube Goldberg, you never know what could happen… Anyway, I hope that this project will work out, and that I will have fun in the process of doing it, since I said I wasn’t really interested. Fingers crossed!