Constitution Project Reflection

The purpose of this project was to learn and research about the Amendments and the Constitution and then make a presentation all about the Amendment you chose, or a topic on the Constitution. We also learned how to make a presentation, make a script, stay within the time limit and have the number of resources our teacher wants. I chose the 19th Amendment and how women gained their equal rights because I think it is a very interesting topic, and I think it is a very important Amendment, especially since I am female. After we chose our topic we had to choose a question for the topic. We came up with three questions each and ended up with the best one. My first question idea actually ended up being my final question!

After we chose our topic and research question, we had to research. We were each given a guideline slideshow of the process, and we each had to choose three resources to research with. It was really easy to find resources for me. I had my three resources on the first day! After some days of taking notes, I had finished researching two out of the three resources. When I started reading the last one, I realized it was too long and had way too much-advanced information. At first, I thought it would be the most helpful, but in the end, I got the least amount of information from it out of everything, but that was mostly because I already knew most of the information I read because I already researched on the other two resources, which had the same information in it.

Next, after we took all of our notes and did our research we started our script. I also had a good time writing my script, and I just used my notes and wrote a script by looking back to it in timeline order. I had my script done after some time, but then I had to improve again. I hadn’t timed my script yet, and when I did, I realized I was over the time limit. That was the hard part, and I had to cut down the chatty parts with less information. This was also hard because I had to start over my timing every time I edited my script. Finally, I ended up with a good script which was only two seconds over the limit. I then decided not to change anything, and that my slideshow would be within the limit.

Once my script was done, I recently moved on to slideshow work, but this was easy, so it didn’t take long. I only needed to add text and pictures to each slide, which was fun and simple to me. I finished my slideshow, and now was ready to record!

When I started recording, I had a lot of trouble not stumbling, forgetting to change the slide, and getting the script papers mixed up. It was super complicated, and I needed to do it swiftly and quick. This was THE hardest part. I ended up with tons and tons of deleted mess-up recordings and ended with the final three. It was easy deciding, number one out of the final three was my first recording, and it was my first one so things around there and there were messy. Number two was fine except it had a few mess-ups, and was a little long. Number three was obviously the final pick, it was about the right time, barely any mess-ups, and the most recent and best I did. I felt so relieved and relaxed once I finished this part.

In conclusion, I chose the 19th Amendment because I think learning about Women’s Suffrage and how women gained their equal rights is very important, especially since I am a girl, and that it is interesting. The most challenging part about this project was defiantly the recording. I enjoyed taking notes and researching the most. It was satisfying to have two pages filled with useful information after watching or reading an interesting video or article on the 19th Amendment. I learned so much while doing this project, and about this project. It was amazing. The two most interesting things I learned though was that resident Harry Burn changed his vote because his mother made him, (It was funny), and how much deeper women’s suffrage is and that women getting their right to vote was a huge process, not a simple debate. In the end, this project was hard, but I finished with a presentation I’m proud of, which took a lot of work in research, writing, taking notes, and recording.

Here is the final recording of my presentation slideshow: