Ignite Reflection

In October I learned a way of presenting called a ignite. First I did a practice ignite on whatever I wanted I chose baseball. I worked on the practice ignite for two and a half weeks.

After my practice Ignite I started researching for my hurricane Ignite. This Ignite was a group Ignite. I was with 3 other people. We had to research subtopics. The subtopic I researched was effects. We researched for about a week.

Next we started making the Ignite. We made a table on our Chromebooks for our research. Each person in our group got at least 2 slides. After we were done with the table we made a slideshow with our work. We practiced with that slideshow then Mr. Casal made a presentation with every groups presentation.

The format of the presentation was a introduction 2 slides per person conclusion, 10 total slides 15 seconds per slide 2.5 minutes.

What was challenging about this project is memorizing my lines. What I would change about this presentation  is to get more slides per person. What was easy about this project was researching.

For the real presentation with the parents I thought it was going to be hard but sense I practiced a lot I think I did really well and so did my group.

This is my practice ignite

This is my table and organizer.

This is my slideshow

The final video