Biography Project – Rosa Parks



Have you ever wondered what segregation was?   Years ago in the United States there was segregation.  Segregation was when blacks and whites could not be together   


Early Life


Rosa Parks was born on February 14, 1913. Rosa was a big help in her family.  The way she helped her family was she would go in the fields and feed the chicken. She milked the cows and weeded the garden.To earn extra money Rosa picked cotton on the farm by  a white guy she only got paid fifty cents a day. Since segregation was going on lots of things were not fair. White people got angry when black people got some freedom. A group of white people called the kkk to scare them. When the kkk came they had burning cross. They burned black people homes, they killed people. Rosa’s grandpa stayed up all night to protect her and had a shotgun by him Rosa didn’t let her grandpa stay up all night alone she stayed with him. Her grandpa was not  like alot of black people he treated everyone equally Rosa knew that he was breaking the law but she wanted to treated everyone that same to. Rosa didn’t let any white person take her dignity away. Rosa went to school and her school was segregated to. Rosa had to be separated from white people. The town was poor so they could not afford bus for the black children but the white got them and every morning when the white pass the black the throw garbage at them and called them names. Rosa knew not to talk back but she could not keep her anger in for long! One afternoon Rosa got into a fight with white boy the boy threatened  her and did it back. After that Rosa ran home to tell her gramma what she did. Insead of being proud of her she got mad. Rosa when she went out side she saw white sign only. She could not rent hotels,she could not eat from most restarts or drink from the same water fountain.She married Raymond Parks in 1932.


Adult Life

After the married she decided about going back to school to get all of her degrees.Rosa hated the way black people got mistreated and the thing she mostly hated was segregation. One day Rosa paid her fare then the bus driver left her without letting her in.Rosa started to work for the NAACP she spent most of her time sewing at the Montgomery Fairmont store.After that she got tired of doing that so she went to go work at the NAACP office to voter as a secretary. Rosa answer phones and traveled town to town to meet other African Americans. Rosa talk about how they got mistreated she also wanted them to voted for them to have a better leader. Rosa had to take a test three times to be eligible to vote.

December 1, 1955 Rosa paid her fair she got on the bus.She found a seat in the middle where black and white both can sit there but if one white person wants that seat all black sitting in the row has to get off.Then a white man came on he paid his fair then wanted the middle seat. All black got up but Rosa didn’t budge.She moved closer to the window. She was tired and wanted to go home. She tired from work she was tired for getting mistreated.Rosa said No I’m Not. the bus driver said I will have to get arrested. Rosa said quietly you go do that. The police came and she got arrested. Later that night her husband bailed her out. A few weeks later ED Nixon heard what happened and wanted to take her to court Rosa said yes. Rosa trial lasted only 5 minutes. She broke the law so they made her pay a fine of $14. After that black people started a boycott where they don’t take the bus and you walk. If you wanted to take a cab you only take a person who black. The bus stays empty for a year. During the boycott Rosa got upset when she got mean phone calls and hateful  letters. The black got threatened. December 2, 1956 the boycott ended. The black can sit wherever they wanted. Everything had to be fair.



Rosa had so may challenge. She had to quit to take care of her grandma because she got ill then her mother got ill to and had to take care of her as well.In 1930 Rosa got her high school diplomas back. With education she had a hard time finding a job. White businesses did not want her. Everyday Rosa did not drink from any water fountain she wanted to come home and drink water. Inside if taking the colored elevators she walk. Black people pd 10 cents fair. Then when they do the get off the bus and go to the back door. Sometimes the bus driver will zoom off before they could get on.If a white person wanted to sit down where a black person was sitting the black people had to get up and stand.

How Rosa Parks impact the world

Rosa Parks set a good example to the world. She made schools unseated. Rosa had to fight a long time to just get bus unsigned.everything was fair because Rosa did the right thing that changed a big thing.


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