The Magnificent Boys by Nicole

Have you ever had to wake up and make your own breakfast? That is easy, right? For these boys in a small floating village in Southern Thailand in the story of panyee fc, they started with nothing and built a champion soccer team. The boys had to work extra hard because they had to do everything for themselves.

The boys had to build their own pitch, they had no space where they lived so they thought and thought until they had the idea .They had to strategize ways to build the pitch. “We started by collecting some old wood from around the village.”  “The pitch did not come out so good because it was shaky,uneven, and had some nails sticking out everywhere.” The boys had to use what is around them to build the pitch. They were very creative in what they did. This show they did all the thinking and planning for themselves.

Do you play soccer? And do you have a soccer coach? Well for these boys they had to be their own coaches. In the text it states “the pitch was small so our footwork was really good.” This shows they learned to use a small space. The pitch was small so when the ball went in the water so did they that made the pitch wet. In the text it states “so we had to learn to play on a wet slippery surface. When one of the boys got a flyer from the mainland to be a part of the Panyee FC cup, they decided to play and had to enter themselves  because they had no coach. When they were in the game it started to rain really hard “our boots filled with water which slowed us down,” this shows that they had to strategize ways to not make them slow down. So they thought back to when they were on the pitch “so we got rid of our boots.” “Playing in bear foot is more comfortable for all of us” This shows they had to use what they know.

Have you ever been told by someone that you can’t do something? Well that what all the boys got told by the villagers “look around. Look where you live” this shows that they did not think that they were not capable to play soccer and build a pitch but they ignored them and said. “We’re starting a football team. We are going to be in the world championship” This show that did not pay any mind to what they had to say. At first it took awhile to figure out what they were going to do’’ Panyhee Cup “should we” “I’m not sure” “we didn’t know if we were good enough to enter” this show that they where unsure of is going to happen next to them. The boys had themselves to go to because all of the villagers did not believe in them.

The boys learned that no matter what happens that there is always to solve  problems and to sick together and not let someone tell them what to do. What I learned form Panyee Fc is to set goals for myself and never give up on my dreams.  


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