Reflecting on Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo

I think making the WeVideo was really fun since I got to tell my moms story of immigrating to America. When I started off making my script for the video, timing my voice over was a little challenging for me, but eventually I got the hang of it. Once my script was done I started my video. After trying both ways, I decided I was going to make my video first so I could base my voice over off of it. I found finding the perfect pictures difficult since when my mom left Vietnam she brought almost nothing with her. It took a while, but I finally found all the pictures and videos I needed and I put my video together.

After I put my video together I thought I was able to start my voice over, but then I realized I had forgotten to put transitions in! When I realized this I was nervous I wouldn’t be able to finish my video on time, but I worked really hard and put all of them in. Then I could finally record my voice over. Recording the voice over was simple since I already had a script written out so I finished it quickly. The final step was to add in my music, I listened to all of them and tried to picked the best one. Overall, I really enjoyed this project, I think it was a lot of fun and learning so much about my mom and all the struggles she overcame motivates me to do the same.

My Immigrant Interview

I really enjoyed interviewing my mom since it was really fun and I learned so many things about her life that I didn’t know before! I also really liked interviewing my mom since I learned how hard she worked to be here today and that is really inspiring to me. Interviewing my mom allowed me to get to know her more and I learned a lot more about her side of the families history. I enjoyed her telling me her life story and I learned many things about her parents (my grandparents) that I didn’t know before! Overall, I had a really fun time Interviewing my mom and I think it was a really fun experience!