Capstone Blog Post #3

Have you ever wondered why the polar ice caps are melting? Or why there have been 35% more intensified disasters since the 1990s? These two things are due to global warming. When asked upon global warming, many might say, “I guess it’s an issue,” without understanding how large of an issue it is or wanting to act on it. This is why I decided to research this topic which led to my main research question, what is the Biden Administration’s plan to reduce greenhouse gasses and what can you  do to make a positive impact on our planet? I decided to branch my research into three main areas that were necessary for me to answer my question and then I found resources and an interviewee who really helped. The main areas I mainly focused on to answer my question were: the Biden Administration’s plan to reduce greenhouse gasses, simple ways to reduce emissions and the reasons why people aren’t motivated to take action.

Let’s start with the Biden Administration’s plan to reduce greenhouse gasses and why It’s difficult for him to reach his goals. When Donald Trump was president previously, he demolished environmental safeguards, put an end to climate science and abandoned global cooperation by withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. Then when Joe Biden was elected president, he re-entered the Paris Agreement, plans to reach net zero emissions economy wide before 2050 and limit global warming to 1.5 degrees celsius. But that’s not it, in addition to his main goals to build back better, he has other plans, including reaching 100% carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035, building greener homes, spending  174 billion dollars to promote electric cars and charging stations and creating jobs for many people in the process. His goals can be met by replacing coal mine jobs with jobs in the solar panel or wind turbine industry. This not only helps him reach his ambitious goals, but is better for human health and is good for the economy.

In addition to the Biden Administration’s efforts to reduce greenhouse gasses, there are various things you can do to make a positive impact on the environment. If you’re someone who wants to reduce your emissions, you could start with being carbon neutral. This just means that you’re balancing your emissions of carbon dioxide with its removal. Carbon dioxide is a main contributor which accounts for about 76 percent of total greenhouse gas emissions. Being carbon neutral might mean that if you’re going to a grocery store and you buy beef, you could donate a small sum of money to an environmental organization such as “One Tree Planted” which plants one tree for just one dollar! You’re being carbon neutral by doing this since well, pretend that beef came from a farm in a tropical rain forest, but they had to cut down trees for farmland and since tree’s absorb carbon dioxide, you’re increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Something else you can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is to be considerate of what you consume. This doesn’t just mean being mindful of what you’re eating, it means you reduce greenhouse gasses at every opportunity you get. A great example of this is taking shorter showers. 5 minute showers create 2.25 pounds of carbon dioxide and if you take a shower over the course of one year, you will be left with 821.25 pounds of carbon dioxide which is just from showering!

It might surprise you that 62% of Americans today say that greenhouse gasses are affecting them, although less than half of them are motivated to take action. Well, this isn’t surprising. Even though some people have begun to experience the effects of greenhouse gasses, few are directly affected causing them to ignore the issue that is slowly creeping up on them. My interviewee, Anne Jaffe Holmes said, “Greenhouse gases are one of these things that stay in the atmosphere and affect us badly, but many people don’t see it so it’s ‘not there.’ But I think that the bad things help us understand and protect the good things.” Some people also believe climate controls, or action that is necessary to protect our environment, will negatively impact the economy. For example, if companies were forced to develop new technology and build new machines to lower their emissions, that would massively impact their profit and most aren’t willing to do that. But you have to ask yourself if effects of greenhouse gasses are worth a cheaper life.

In conclusion, we all have to work together if we want to protect our planet. Greenhouse gasses will continue to cause negative effects on our planet, but the situation is not hopeless. There are many things that people are doing to reduce greenhouse gases. Not only the Biden Administration, but many other people are contributing massively to the reduction of greenhouse gasses. If you are not one of those people who are encouraged to help, I recommend you learn more about greenhouse gases and how they are negatively affecting our planet. Then maybe you will realize this is an issue and you will be motivated to help. Finally, if you really don’t understand why reducing greenhouse gases are important, here is a quote from David Attenbourg an environmentalist, ““the world is not a bowl of fruit from which we can just take what we wish. We are part of it and if we destroy it we destroy ourselves.” Think about this.

Capstone Blog Post #2

The purpose of my interview was to help me get a better understanding of greenhouse gasses and the ways it is negatively affecting our planet. Before my first interview, I was nervous that things wouldn’t go smoothly because sometimes I have a hard time talking to new people. This was actually the opposite of how my interview went. When I got on my interviewee, Anne-Jaffe Holmes was really calm and patient. I asked one of my questions and as she talked, new questions sprouted in my head like a watered seed sitting in the sun. I ended up asking even more questions than I had written out which helped me get even more information and I learned a lot from her.

The process of me figuring out who to interview was challenging. Most people who are environmental activists and helpers, are famous or important. My mom and I tried reaching out to Greta Thumberg, but unfortunately she was busy and didn’t have time. Then, we tried reaching out to various companies like Greenpeace, but sadly they couldn’t give one of their workers to be interviewed. Then, when I thought all hope was lost, the Federated Conservationists of Westchester County reached out to my mom saying that I could interview their managing director, Anne-Jaffe Holmes. I was so relieved that I was going to have someone to interview. Then someone else from the United States Environmental Protection Agency reached out to my mom saying I could interview them as well. Now I had two interviews which would help me learn even more!

While I was conducting my interview I found that thinking of questions were harder than they seemed. But I sat down and worked on them for a while and came up with some pretty good ones. I watched many interviews so that I could make mine go as smoothly as possible and when I thought I was ready, my mom planned a day for the interview. After my interview I was so happy because I got so much information. I think that my interview was really successful and I learned a lot about the topic and someone’s opinions on the topic.

In conclusion I really enjoyed my interview and I’m so thankful for all the opportunities I have had during my interviews. I really enjoyed learning more about greenhouse gasses and two peoples opinions on the same topic. Without my interview, I would have way less information and wouldn’t have learned about different points of views.

Capstone Blog Post #1

For capstone, I really wanted to do something about global warming or pollution because these are things I’m passionate about. I decided I was going to focus on greenhouse gasses so I started brainstorming questions. The main inquiry question I chose is, what is the Biden Administration’s plan to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and how can American citizens make a positive impact on current greenhouse gas level?

Next I started thinking about sub questions. I came up with about 8-10 questions and narrowed them down to 5. One of my sub questions is, how is the cost of lowering greenhouse gasses affecting our economy? Now I am at the point where I should start researching. I am excited about continuing this project and I hope finding resources are not too difficult.

Reflecting on Creating My Immigrant Interview WeVideo

I think making the WeVideo was really fun since I got to tell my moms story of immigrating to America. When I started off making my script for the video, timing my voice over was a little challenging for me, but eventually I got the hang of it. Once my script was done I started my video. After trying both ways, I decided I was going to make my video first so I could base my voice over off of it. I found finding the perfect pictures difficult since when my mom left Vietnam she brought almost nothing with her. It took a while, but I finally found all the pictures and videos I needed and I put my video together.

After I put my video together I thought I was able to start my voice over, but then I realized I had forgotten to put transitions in! When I realized this I was nervous I wouldn’t be able to finish my video on time, but I worked really hard and put all of them in. Then I could finally record my voice over. Recording the voice over was simple since I already had a script written out so I finished it quickly. The final step was to add in my music, I listened to all of them and tried to picked the best one. Overall, I really enjoyed this project, I think it was a lot of fun and learning so much about my mom and all the struggles she overcame motivates me to do the same.

My Immigrant Interview

I really enjoyed interviewing my mom since it was really fun and I learned so many things about her life that I didn’t know before! I also really liked interviewing my mom since I learned how hard she worked to be here today and that is really inspiring to me. Interviewing my mom allowed me to get to know her more and I learned a lot more about her side of the families history. I enjoyed her telling me her life story and I learned many things about her parents (my grandparents) that I didn’t know before! Overall, I had a really fun time Interviewing my mom and I think it was a really fun experience!

My Constitution Project Research Topic and Question #1

My question is “What problems did the 14th and 15th Amendment create for women in the U.S.? I chose this question because when I was researching the 15th Amendment I found that it guaranteed the right to vote for any race, but it said nothing about women voting rights. I found this interesting because not only did it not include women, but it specifically excluded women by saying things like “Male.”This lead to much controversy and I thought this would be a good topic to learn more about. I also thought this would be a good topic to research because I don’t know much about it. And finally in my opinion, it has taken many people way too long to realize that all of our votes matter and that everyone should be allowed to vote. 

Presidential Election

The Candidate I want to win the presidential election is Joe Biden. This is because I think he will come up with a lot of plans to handle problems. For example COVID-19, we are in a huge pandemic that has been deadly and I know Joe Biden Cares about it. He wears masks to prevent the spread for himself and many other U.S. citizens. He doesn’t only care about himself he cares for all of us. Donald Trump however doesn’t wear masks and isn’t worried about those peoples lives he is putting at risk by going out without a mask. Also if we look at racial justice Biden really cares about everyone, unlike Trump who says he isn’t racist, but he has sent police to break up BLM rallies violently. Biden says, “racism is a problem that needs urgent attention.” This is why in my opinion Joe Biden should be the next president for 2020.

Colonial America Diary Entries

These are my diary entries. I’ve been working on them for two weeks. They tell the story of a young girl named Elizabeth Hopkins age of thirteen who is an apprentice learning to be a teacher who has just settled in Virginia. It tells about her apprenticeship as a teacher. It also teaches about her daily life in Colonial America.

Cultral Universals France

In social studies we each had to pick a different country to do research on. To decide what to do our research on each student wrote down their top three countries that they wanted to do I picked Italy for my first pick France for my second pick and Japan for my last pick I din’t get Italy but I got France which is good too.

The first step was to do our research on our country we used our books we got from the library and the library databases. After that we went to the computer lab and started writing a script for our research to go on in our script our script said what our video would look like how much time we had to record on out slides and our information. Our final step was to create our video / slide show we first typed all the words and found the pictures we needed to put on our slides but you could only put up to six words on a slide so we had to record our voices and last we posted it on our blogs.

To me the hardest part of this project was the recording because I had to do it over and over again because I had either made a mistake or someone was talking and that meant I had to do it again because I wanted it to be really good.

Jamestown & Plymouth Venn Diagram

Hi this is my Venn Diagram about two English settlements,

Jamestown and Plymouth. I worked on this project for a few days. We had to go online to online resources and take notes about Jamestown and Plymouth. It was fairly easy and quick. We worked in groups my group was Elizabeth, and Sofia. We worked really well together and got lots of information. We hope you enjoy!