February 3rd – 7th, 2020


A couple sitting on a boulder near a lake sharing an inspiring quote from Van Gough
Dear Colleagues,
We will continue to carve out time at our faculty meetings to explore the Balanced Literacy Guide and its many resources. With the launch of this resource and our conversations about Belonging, there have been many conversations about our classroom libraries and how they fare as windows, mirrors and sliding doors.  We will be delving into conversations about our libraries and what we can to do make sure our students are represented and reflected in the stories they read.  Here is an interesting article, I invite you to read so that we can further discuss on Monday during our faculty meeting.



Scheduling Subs – When scheduling PD,  please be sure to enter the events and dates in Frontline as soon as possible so that sub coverage can be provided in a timely manner.  When there is a need to attend CSE or other meetings, please make us aware of coverage needs ahead of time so that we can plan accordingly.

Student Safety – Please have a talk with your students about leaving the school building.  At no time should any student leave the building unaccompanied by an adult. Students should know that even if they are being picked up by a family member, the adult needs to enter the building and sign them out before leaving the building.

Chaperoning: We are still in need of chaperones for the Chorus Concert on February 11th from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Please inform Sharon, Lindsey and me if you are available.



 Link to Greenacres Visitors’ Form


Chorus Concert –  February 11th @ 9:30 a.m.

See the calendar:


Ms. Quirk’s Second Graders learning about rhythm with Ms. Blackhurst! Can you name that tune?

KITCHEN DUTY:  Responsibilities



This entry was posted on January 31, 2020. Bookmark the permalink.