Planning for Constitution project

For the Constitution project I will be doing the Liberty Bell and making a model of it with a boy mesmerizing the Liberty Bell. I will also be making a little book on the Liberty Bell. I am very excited to do this project and can not wait to share it when I am done!

My plan for the presentation is to have a little wood platform and have a wire holding the Liberty Bell also the Liberty Bell will be made out of model magic and so will the boy, and then have something holding up the book but I have not decide on what is going to be holding it up yet.

The project is going pretty well so far I think the planning is going great for me, the only thing that isn’t going the best for me is that I need to do some more research. Other then that I am pretty much all good.

Philly trip

Philadelphia,  November 9, 2018, it was starting off on a rainy day. The 5th  graders were stepping off of the bus for a great journey ahead of them. The first stop was the National Constitution Center, there were very interesting exhibits in the Constitution Center. The 5th graders were taking pictures or exploring  the exhibits with their groups. After a little while it was time for a show called Living News, it was an mesmerizing show. It gave a good understanding of gun control, freedom of speech, schools searching bags, and capital punishment. In the reporter’s opinion the Living New was one of my  favorite parts of the trip.

Then the 5th graders watch Freedom Rising, it was an eye-popping show. After that the 5th graders ate lunch, and went on to there next stop. The walking tour, the 5th graders were given a tour guide to show us around Independence Square the 5th graders went a courthouse and learned  a lot then went to Independence Hall, the 5th graders saw meeting rooms, courtroom, and the real Rising Sun Chair which in the reporter’s opinion it was amazing to be able to see the real Rising Sun Chair.

The 5th graders final stop was The Liberty Bell, which was an great experience to have, did you know that The Liberty Bell does not only have one crack but two, because when they were   fixing The Liberty bell the fix was the big crack. Sadly the 5th graders memorable trip came to an end, the 5th grader started getting back on to the bus to go back home.

The day I got my Dog

My siblings and I have been really wanting to get a dog, especially me because I love animals a lot . One afternoon I wanted to go see some dogs with my Mom, but then my sister Juliet had an idea that we should look online instead. So that is what we did we were looking on a bunch of websites then we found one called Greenfield Puppies we were looking at all kinds of dogs. Until we remember that we had seen some bich-poos and we thought they were so cute and good dogs so we looked on the website for them, then when my Mom and sister were scrolling through them my sister found Abe my dog. He was only 9 weeks at the time and he was adorable. We were all so excited we sent my Dad and twin brother some pictures and they thought he was also super cute to. My Dad and twin brother came home and we started discussing about the dog, my Dad said that we can only get the dog if we keep it’s giving name Abe , because his grandfather my great father was named Abraham.

So we called up the breeder and told him that we were interested in the dog Abe, A week or so later we headed up to Philadelphia to the Amish country. It was a bit of a raining day, but that’s okay because I was getting a DOG! That I have been wanting  since I was very little. When my family and I saw Abe for the first time we knew he was the one, are dog. Abe is a great puppy and I love him so much. 


It was  a nice sunny day on Nantucket island, but I wasn’t feeling to well, I had a bad headache little cough I told my Mom and Dad “that I wasn’t feeling too well”  they told me “It will probably go away later.” that’s what I thought to hopefully that was the case. So I carried on with my day I ate breakfast, got dressed, played with my siblings. My sister and Mom ask me “Do you want to go on a bike ride?”  I replied “yes!” excitedly “But remember it is going to be about a 17 mile bike ride.” my Mom said “I am fine with that!” We Got our sneakers on and are halements ready. I was so excited because I have been really wanting to go on a bike ride also I wanted to see all of the beautiful and peaceful views of Nantucket.

I still wasn’t feeling too great, but hopefully I will feel better once we get started on the bike ride. I had  super duper fun time on the bike ride the views were beautiful and it was a lot of fun. But in the middle of the bike ride I suddenly felt really tired and weak, I told my Mom that I was feeling horrible she said “ We are almost there, do you think you can make it?” I said “probably.”  “ok we can get you a nice cold and refreshing drink once we get there.” Finally we got there the cold dink was super refreshing. After that we bike ride back to the house. But once I got back to the house I felt so tired and weak, so I relaxed and took a nice shower to refresh.

Then my Dad told us that we were going out to dinner with some family friends. And that we were going to one of my favorite places to eat, and the even better thing was it was on the beach and there was going to be a very pretty sunsight tonight. I got really yummy chicken fingers, but I started feeling not so good again and I felt a little warm so my my Mom took me home and check my temperature. I had a fever! I thought it was just a little fever, so I went to bed hoping it would get better in the morning, so I can enjoy my vacation. In the morning I woke up feeling even worse, I was  upset it was the end of summer and I wanted to have fun, not be sick. I mean It vacation is suppose to be fun and you shouldn’t be sick. I had to relax all day which was kind of annoying, because seeing all of my siblings have fun and I was just their sick. I was starting to get a bad cough, and I had zero appetite. So at night I went to bed early, in the middle of the night I got a really high fever 105 degrees. Luckily my high fever went down. A couple days later I got another high fever my parents decided to take me to the hospital. We had to wait in a long line for the check up. Once it was my turn they did some testing, then they told us I had to get some blood work it didn’t hurt that much,  Later that night I wasn’t feeling too well so we went to the hospital again, I had to get an x-ray to see if I had pneumonia. Unfortunately I had it but the thing I was really upset about was that I had to take really gross medicine “yew!” After a few days I had to go back to New York and go to Montifiore Hospital, they helped me get better and stronger now I am all better.



Issac Newton Biography

Isaac Newton was a great scientist. He made many invitations and discoveries most importantly he discovered gravity. Isaac Newton was born on January 4th, 1643, and lived in England. Sadly Isaac Newton’s father died two months before he was born. Isaac Newton’s mother got remarried when he was there years old and moved away, leaving him in the hands of his grandmother. Isaac Newton went to local schools, and at the age of twelve he got sent to King’s School in Grantham, England, were he lived in the home of a  pharmacist named Clark. Isaac Newton was interested in Clark’s chemical library, and laboratory and built mechanical devices for Clark’s daughter to enjoy, such as  a windmill run by a living mouse, floating lanterns, and sundials. Isaac Newton did very well in school.

Isaac Newton was trying to get into Trinity College, so when he tried to get into another school he failed, and went back to king’s school.  A huge point in his life was in June 1661 when he left home and went to Cambridge University, were Isaac newton entered a whole new life one were he was happy. When Isaac Newton arrived, the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century was already in full action. Isaac Newton was a british scientist at Cambridge University  for 16 years. In his first three years at the university Isaac Newton was taught the standard curriculum, but was more fascinated with the more advanced science and also spent a lot of his free time reading. He study hard and did hard work and that is how he became a world famous scientist.

How did Isaac newton discover gravity you may be asking, one day when he was playing he got tired and went to rest under an apple tree. Then before he new it an apple fell on his head. He wonder why it went down instead of up he studied for years until one day he figured out it was the force of gravity.

Isaac Newton was an amazing scientist who changed the world.  All though not everything has been discovered about him yet, from what we know he has done a lot that changed this world. From this project I learned a lot about him it has showed me that anything is possible you can  do anything you put your mind too. Because Isaac Newton did not come from much his father’s past away before he was born his mother left him but he achieved so much if you but your mind to it you can do anything you dream of.


Save The Ocean

Save The Ocean

Of the 260 million tons of plastic the world produces each year, about 10 percent ends up in the Ocean, Seventy percent of the mass eventually sinks, damaging life on the seabed. Every single time you leave a bottle on the beach thinking someone will pick it up ,most likely it will end up in the ocean then a poor little sea animal won’t know what is is and try to eat it or get stuck in it, eventually they will die. So every single time you leave a plastic/glass bottle or can on the beach you are risking an  animals life  just because you were to lazy to throw it out. I understand that you might have forgotten it on the beach because you it dropped or it fell out of your bag, you were holding to much stuff and didn’t realize. I get it but next time take an extra look to see if you left a bottle, can, glass bottle or anything plastic because that one look can save a life.

With all of this plastic it can also be ruining your time at the beach too, would you want to swim in a ocean with a bunch of plastic in it? i know i wouldn’t. Or when you go to the beach their are plastic bottles and cans, or your favorite spot at the beach has  has a bunch of garbage theri. Also when you swim in the ocean there could be bacterin in the garbage and you could get sick or get an infection. We need to save the ocean i am speaking for the ocean because the ocean can’t speak for itself.

Billions of pounds of plastic can be found the ocean, that make up about 40 percent of the world’s ocean surfaces. At current rates plastic is expected to outweigh all the fish in the sea by 2050. When I learned about this I was shocked to imagine that the ocean soon to be covered in garbage. Just take a seconded to think it is a nice day  and you and your family and friends were planning to go to the beach but when you went to the beach it was covered in trash plastic garbage. So I hope after reading this now you understand how important it is to be careful with plastic,glass, and cans. Because we want to save this world but luckily there are amazing people in this world who all ready cleaning oceans and making this world beautiful the future lays in are hands so let’s make the right decision.