
It was  a nice sunny day on Nantucket island, but I wasn’t feeling to well, I had a bad headache little cough I told my Mom and Dad “that I wasn’t feeling too well”  they told me “It will probably go away later.” that’s what I thought to hopefully that was the case. So I carried on with my day I ate breakfast, got dressed, played with my siblings. My sister and Mom ask me “Do you want to go on a bike ride?”  I replied “yes!” excitedly “But remember it is going to be about a 17 mile bike ride.” my Mom said “I am fine with that!” We Got our sneakers on and are halements ready. I was so excited because I have been really wanting to go on a bike ride also I wanted to see all of the beautiful and peaceful views of Nantucket.

I still wasn’t feeling too great, but hopefully I will feel better once we get started on the bike ride. I had  super duper fun time on the bike ride the views were beautiful and it was a lot of fun. But in the middle of the bike ride I suddenly felt really tired and weak, I told my Mom that I was feeling horrible she said “ We are almost there, do you think you can make it?” I said “probably.”  “ok we can get you a nice cold and refreshing drink once we get there.” Finally we got there the cold dink was super refreshing. After that we bike ride back to the house. But once I got back to the house I felt so tired and weak, so I relaxed and took a nice shower to refresh.

Then my Dad told us that we were going out to dinner with some family friends. And that we were going to one of my favorite places to eat, and the even better thing was it was on the beach and there was going to be a very pretty sunsight tonight. I got really yummy chicken fingers, but I started feeling not so good again and I felt a little warm so my my Mom took me home and check my temperature. I had a fever! I thought it was just a little fever, so I went to bed hoping it would get better in the morning, so I can enjoy my vacation. In the morning I woke up feeling even worse, I was  upset it was the end of summer and I wanted to have fun, not be sick. I mean It vacation is suppose to be fun and you shouldn’t be sick. I had to relax all day which was kind of annoying, because seeing all of my siblings have fun and I was just their sick. I was starting to get a bad cough, and I had zero appetite. So at night I went to bed early, in the middle of the night I got a really high fever 105 degrees. Luckily my high fever went down. A couple days later I got another high fever my parents decided to take me to the hospital. We had to wait in a long line for the check up. Once it was my turn they did some testing, then they told us I had to get some blood work it didn’t hurt that much,  Later that night I wasn’t feeling too well so we went to the hospital again, I had to get an x-ray to see if I had pneumonia. Unfortunately I had it but the thing I was really upset about was that I had to take really gross medicine “yew!” After a few days I had to go back to New York and go to Montifiore Hospital, they helped me get better and stronger now I am all better.



The Bike Ride

I (Samantha) was so excited because my Dad, brother ( Reece), and I were all going on a bike ride around the neighborhood “YAY!” I said. My brother and I were ready to go!  But my Dad was getting his bike out. So Reece and I had to wait a few minutes then my Dad finally got his bike out. I said “come on let’s go!” We got biking my Dad said “once we get half way done with the ride Samantha you can switch with Reece in the front.”

We all were talking and having such a fun time. There were cool and pretty houses also some weird houses too. There were also some potholes in the roads so our bikes sometimes had a little bump. We were about halfway done with the bike and i said to myself “ it’ about halfway with the ride shouldn’t I be in front?”

But I thought that my Dad would remember. Guess what he did not remember. I was starting to get real angry with my Dad. “ Dad shouldn’t I be in the front?” I said “You can be in the front in five minutes.” said my Dad I said “ that’s so long!” Then I saw this house with sprinklers on from a distant  but I thought that they would turn off or a least go in another direction. But they did not and…..

I got soaked!! Know I was even more mad because now I have to bike ride all suked and wet! I told my Dad “why did I have to be the one to get all wet?!” But my Dad did make it up to me he let me in the front for the rest of the bike ride. But I was still a little mad at my Dad forgetting about me. Now I am having a really fun time.

I am all better now because the sun dryed me all up. Reece Dad and I were racing up the hill to our house. I did not win Reece did but maybe next time I do better and win.