Rube Goldberg project #4

My group and I are doing really well with are Rube Goldberg it is coming together very nicely  and I am very happy with it. The one thing that is super frustrating is that the dominos are super hard to work with they keep on falling or getting knocked over, so my group and I have been struggling with that a lot. Another problem is also with the dominos we want the dominos to go up a stack of books, but it is not working out so we are trying to figure out how to make that work. Other than those 2 problems are Rube Goldberg is doing great. We are meeting up over the weekend and working on are Rube Goldberg so we will probably be done or almost be done by then, so I am super excited for that. And hopefully we can make a successful Rube Goldberg are feed the Hedgehog.😁