Passion Project #6

I have almost finished all of my editing and my video is coming out great! I am so happy how everything turned out! Editing is very hard though, because you don’t want  edit too much but you still have to edit a lot because you don’t want your video to be 30 mins long, so for me that was really hard especially since I had to but so much in such a small video. Also another really hard thing was frosting the cake, because you have to make everything even and all smoothed. Even though I struggled with those 2 things they were still a lot of fun to do!

Passion Project #5

I have just finished just finished decorating the cake and  it looks great! I am super proud of myself even though I did have a little bit of help from my mom i think that I did a very nice job! I am very happy of how it turned out and I hope it taste good too! Now I am doing a lot of editing, I have been practicing on IMovie and I know how to use it and I hope that I can make my video great and that it really shows all of the hard work that have done.

Passion Project #1

In class we have just started passion projects! We get to pick a passion that we have and get to study it and make something out of what you have learned. I picked baking, because my Mom is a baker and makes beautiful custom cakes. I have been very interested in what it is like to make such a complicated cake, so I wanted to try it out myself ,so I am recreating one of my Moms cakes! I have been studying bakers and have learned a lot, one of the big things that I noticed was that all bakers have their own style in baking, and come up with such cool cakes that you would not know even know  was a cake. I am super excited to start baking my cake and do more research on my passion. 

I have started to research what I have research on is:

Yolanda Gampp’s youtube video –

Cake – definition –

Duff Goldman –

Interview questions – I will be interviewing Mom


I am super excited to start baking my cake and do more research on my passion.