Panyee FC

In class I have been working on an essay based off of the video Panyee FC. This is my final essay! Enjoy

All By Themselves

By Sabrina


Have you ever made something out of nothing, or created a legacy without even knowing it? Well that is exactly what the boys in the video Panyee FC did. They lived on a floating village in Southern Thailand, where space was hard to find. The boys had to do everything for themselves because no one had ever done it before.

The boys had themselves a team, but they didn’t have a space to play. “We had ourselves a football team, but we didn’t have a pitch. This was a real problem because where we live space wasn’t something we had.” (They call it football, but we call it soccer).  Although this is a problem, they didn’t give up yet. They used all of their spare time after school, and gathered all of the old wood and fishing rafts, and they built a pitch. Next they built themselves goals to go with the pitch, and they finally had somewhere to play soccer! Although this sounds easy, it isn’t.

The boys gained the basic knowledge of what soccer would be like by watching competitive soccer on tv, and in the video you see them watching soccer, but no one in their village is playing it. They were the first people in their village to play soccer so they had no coach to tell them what to do, and not many people knew much of anything about soccer. Although they might have had all the basic knowledge they needed, it took bravery and determination to actually get up and do it. It was a big risk that they took being the very first on their island to play soccer!  

Due to the fact that they were the only team on the island, the boys could only play against each other. Finally after a long time of practicing one of the boys came from the mainland with a flyer advertising the Pangha Cup. Even though they only knew how competitions worked from tv, they did know that being a part of the Pangha Cup would take a lot of practice and hard work. “We didn’t know if we were good enough to enter” one of the boys said. (They didn’t know if they were good enough because they had only ever played against each other). They ended up taking the risk and getting to the semi finals!

What I have learned from this story is that no matter how hard the task is, it is always worth it in the end, and not just because you have completed your task, but because you can end with something to be proud of.