Capstone Project #5 Answering Main Inquiry Question

If you remember from my previous (Capstone Project #2) post I was discussing creating my own inquiry question. Now with Capstone nearing an end my inquiry question must get answered, and here is the process on how it did…

Inquiry questions are the base of everyone’s’ Capstone project. Everyone creates one and use that as a learning guideline. My inquiry question (after a whole lot of revision!) is “how are trends helpful in starting up a new business and how is keeping up with trends helpful in maintaining a store’s success?” But now since it’s weeks later it’s time to find the answer. The big and final part of this project. Finding it can be hard though. Mine wasn’t easy. All my beginning blog post their main topics played a big part in finding the answer. Notes from articles, an interview and cite visit and questions were big information sources. But being able to find the answer means your articles have to be very narrow. By narrow I mean have the article mainly just about that one question. I, as one example, had to split my question up into two pieces to be able to find the best information possible.

When nearing the end you just put your findings together from all of your questions and there you go, you’ve completed the main part Capstone, your main inquiry question.

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