

Abraham Beals


I’m going to tell you a thing or two about Alfred. One day in the summer Alfred sat down on a chair and said, “Sit down Abraham. I’m going to tell you a long history lesson about World War 1 and 2.” “Can you tell me about the planes used in those wars?” I said.  “Sure,” said Alfred. “First tell me about American planes,”I said. “Ok. I will tell you about the mustang. The mustang was a famous fighter plane used from the end of World War 1 to the end of World War 2. Unlike many other planes this plane did not drop bombs. In fact it protected big planes that did drop bombs.” Suddenly I was flying through the air in a World War 1 mission. The sky was so dark I could not see the controls. Then I saw it, my right wing was on fire! I knew all hope was lost, so I ejected and landed right back next to Alfred just as he was showing me a picture of a Japanese zero.


“Whoa, did these two planes fight?”I said. “In fact they did, they had epic air battles,” said Alfred. “Did you see those crossed out circles?” said Alfred. “Yeah, what where those for?”I said. “Those were for how many planes he knocked out! You see the Japanese zero was created to kamikaze other planes!” (In case you were wondering all these planes are propeller planes.) “What about the spitfire,”I said. “Ah, the spitfire was a great plane, very fast, very maneuverable.” “Okay, tell me about two more planes,” I said. “Sure, I’ll tell you about a German plane called the mesheshmit. The mesheshmit was the first plane to use a jet engine! It had a siren on it which was used to ignite terror in the opponent’s heart,”said Alfred. “Wow! Tell me about one more American plane,”I said. “Okay, I’ll tell you about the warhawk. It flew through the air and bombed other places. It was a very tough plane. 


I wish I could tell you more kiddo, but I have to go. Here is a model plane of a warhawk.” And that is how I remember my talk with my Uncle Alfred.