Capstone Three

Hello readers! Today I will talk about answering my main inquiry question. For those of you who have not been reading my posts i suggest you start or nothing i say is gonna make sense. But anyway my main inquiry is under what circumstances do unions form and are their strategies effective in getting what you want. This phase was pretty easy to do because I did way more research than I needed to and my sub questions were legit. Though the only complication was my final project. Capstone overall was a breeze.

When I was creating my final project I faced some pretty annoying complications. One was that my project was partially screwed up by Wevideo repeatedly. For example, one time it shifted all my images 4 seconds up so I had to rearrange the whole thing. Also my narration was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay longer than  expected so i had to shorten and find tons of images. Another complication is my green screening in my video. I had to do about 4 takes because I was in a basement and random noises kept sounding off. Also the Green Screen was wrinkled so that was annoying too. Overall this part was kind of annoying. But as they say, “If a man wants to grow a garden,he’s got to get his hands dirty.” If you wish to see my final project click here Link

So in conclusion unions are formed when an economic crisis affects the workplace or when there is a need to obtain special benefits. Their strategies become effective only through the power of numbers. Alone they fail but together they succeed. Unions have been the defender of the American dream and the helper of all those who have lost sight of it. Whether unions are good or bad depends on what union it is. This struggle between unions and employers is beyond good and evil in my opinion. It has become a profit versus morality struggle. A battle is coming soon and it has come time to choose one’s side. Which side are you on?

Here is my script for reference. It is not what I used in the end though.

Awesome capstone script.

So all in all if capstone was a baking recipe it would contain the following ingredients.

  1. Obsession
  2. Aversion
  3. Depression
  4. Numb acceptance
  5. Annoyance
  6. Enjoyment
  7. Relief. 


This product contains many failures and close calls. If you wish to make capstone open with care do to risk of obsession ingestion.

Capstone Two

In capstone we use interviews as one source of research. At first I was freaking out because I had no idea how we could contact people concerning my topic. Thankfully, we had an organizer that helped us find out how we could contact someone which brings us to the next section.

The process of finding my interview was kind of annoying at times and fun at others. Like once we began the interview part of capstone I was contacting AFL-CIO, a major union in america. In had made this big email about what to say and everything and sent it fingers crossed. I thought that they would just ignore me but to my surprise, they responded. I thought that was great but what they said was not. They completely misunderstood what I was saying and when I tried to clarify they ignored me completely. So I went back to square one and found another person to interview. Then suddenly my dad forgot about it and we were unable to do it on the intended day. So we bumped it ahead one day and when it happened it was perfect. All my questions were answered and everything worked out. So that brings us to the next section.

The interview was very good and it did not go as I thought it would. I learned a lot about the everyday life of a steel worker and how the unions have helped him. I found out a lot of stuff but the one complication was that the recording was weird. It kept pausing itself and it also disappeared but luckily we were able to find the recording before school started. Other than that the only complication was that the person I interviewed had bad connection so some parts of what he said were barely audible. 

Overall the interview was very fun and nerve racking as well as interesting. If I could do it again I would probably have asked better follow up questions. I hope that my capstone will turn out good and that people will actually watch it.

Rube Goldberg two

A Rube Goldberg is a chain reaction consisting of simple machines that performs a simple task. So far I am enjoying the wonderful world of Rube Goldberg. My project is pretty fun to make and it took some time but in the end it was totally worth it. When creating my machine I used marbles as well as everything from bowling balls to catapults. When I built this machine I included levers pulleys wedges as well as inclined planes. The problem that we kept having was that the bowling ball was so heavy that it knocked over the garbage can. We fixed this by putting the can against the wall and filling the ramp with forty pounds of lead. Another problem was the marble was not triggering the super catapult. We fixed this catastrophe by realigning the marble track. When we were testing out the machine the main thing was the bowling ball could not be held in place by a basket so we switched it with a wedge made from old wood. This help by stopping the ball from completely destroying the whole Rube Goldberg. All in all the creation of the Rube Goldberg was sort of tedious but in the end the fruits of our labor were very good. So I encourage any of you to build a Rube Goldberg at home. Here is the video.