Capstone #2

As I said in my last blog post, we are doing a project called capstone project in school. Just a review, capstone is a project that every 5th grader has to do at the end of the year. You get to choose any topic you want, then research it, interview an expert (or two and three), and then put together this BIG presentation. Capstone is also the most important project in 5th grade.

Honestly, I am really excited to present my capstone. When I was in 4th grade, my friend in 5th grade told me about capstone, and I got really scared. Now I’m really confident in myself. Also now I learned that there will not be as big of an audience as I thought it would be. I learned that it is divided into rooms, so there would be about ten kids in each room.

On the 15th I had my first interview. It was with my friend’s grandfather who is a producer that has been producing for many years. He gave me a lot of information related to my question. He told me that the lights in the theater used to be the most expensive part and the sound was not that expensive, but now it is the opposite.

On the 19th I will have my second and third interviews with my uncle and my uncle’s wife. They are both actors and they are coming to have their wedding at my house, so it is perfect. Their names are Tedra Millan and Saamer Usmani.

In all, I am feeling both nervous and excited about Capstone. I am also really excited to Do my last two interviews. This will not be my last blog post because I am not done with this project, so you can find more information in my next blog post.

Capstone blog post #1

In school, we are doing a project called capstone. I know you might be thinking Camilla, you don’t need to talk about every project you do in school! Well, this is not any ordinary project. This is the most important project of the whole school year! Every 5th grader at the end of the year has to do Capstone. For this project, you have to choose any topic you want to do it on and then, make a curriculum wheel, research the topic, make a research question, interview someone, and make a BIG presentation to present to the whole grade and everyone’s parents.

I chose my topic because Acting is one of my passions, and I find it really interesting. At first, I was going to do water scarcity or twins, but we already did a whole science lesson on water scarcity, and in 3rd grade, I already wrote an article about twins.

My interview question is: how did acting evolve over the years? I chose that question because I have a lot of information about the history of acting and how it evolved. Also, I find the history of acting really interesting.

I chose my sub-questions because they help me answer my main question. some of my questions are: what is the earliest evidence of theater and acting? And, What role have women played in the theater and in acting over time? As you heard before, my main question is how did acting evolve over the years, and I think my sub-questions will help me answer that question.

At first, I was scared that I would fall behind but now I think that I am in a pretty good place. I am really excited to do this project and learn lots of cool facts, for example, a long time ago when girls did not have the same rights as girls, boys would play both woman’s roles and men’s roles.