Guide to Bar Modeling

I have been working on this bar model for a long time so I hope this helps you with bar modeling. My teacher Mrs. Degrazia taught the class how to make bar modeling and now I’m going to teach you! I hope you enjoy my bar model.

Summary of February Friend

This is my summary of February Friend. Ms Degrazia told us that when you right a summary we only have to right the main parts of the book. I hope you enjoy my summary!

Bradley, Brian, Nate and Lucy are in school. It was Valentine’s Day. They found a note with no name on it! It said look in the closet. When they looked in the closet they found a rabbit! But the problem was that the rabbit looked sick and soon they noticed that the rabbit missed his owner. So they went searching for his owner and when they finally found the owner they noticed that it was custodian. They asked why the custodian gave the rabbit to the class and it was because he was moving to a place where no pets are allowed. They took the rabbit to farm and the custodian was going to work there. They learn to never give up.

Small Moment Narrative

This is my small moment narrative. This story is about my cousin and me. I wrote this story because I love baby siting. I learned when to start a new paragraph. I all so learned how to ad details to my story. I hope you like my story.