Capstone Topic and Main Question

School projects, hard, annoying, and time consuming all of these things fit the topic of Capstone. We had to go through the pain Capstone is basically making a ted talk, ignite, or a presentation we had a long process that took weeks to do.

Now let’s talk about the first step in choosing a topic. I chose my topic by being an organizer. The organizer was a document that helped us think of our topic. I narrowed it down to three topics Video games, Fantasy books, and how electricity works. Then I thought about what I am really interested in. I thought about video games and books and then I thought, what do I want to learn more about? Then I thought about video games. That’s what I thought I was going to do.

Now the second step was trying to create are our main inquiry questions my first step to create my main inquiry question was to narrow down my topic so I narrowed it down to video game trends then I asked myself what do I want to know about a video game trends then I thought “What video game trends are having the greatest impact on the industry?” that was my main inquiry question.

The third step was that the sub questions were hard because we had to find questions that were linked to the main inquiry question but didn’t answer the question too quickly. I chose questions that answered part of the main inquiry. My first was “What is the smallest trend that affected video games?”  my next was “How have video game trends influenced other video games?” My third was “How have big events like the invention of Nintendo affected trends and video games?” my 4th was “How have video games changed when the trends changed?” My fifth question was “How many things change in video games when trends change?” and that’s all my  questions

That is all of the steps I did for task definition. Now that I have introduced my capstone project, start thinking ahead. If you could do capstone what would you do it on?