Maglev Train Post #2

Today we finished step one. Our train was levitating. If you don’t know what levitating means let me explain. Levitating means to hover or float. The magnets we used to improve is the strip magnets because they were lighter than the ring magnets. The magnets were placed one long strip magnet on each side of the track and the car.

Today we failed on trying to transport marbles to the other side of the track without them falling off. We learned that we needed a sturdy force one that did not tip or shake. We changed the track a little to see if it worked. So instead of using one strip magnet on each side  of the track to put to on the track.

Our goal for our next session is to get the marbles across the track. We think it might work if you make the force even stronger than it is.

Maglev train Post #1

A maglev train is a train levitates over the track. A maglev train work using magnets that repel. When the magnets repel they float or levitate. My group’s idea was that the magnets on the track should repel from the magnets on the train, but we also think that at the end of the track we should put magnets that attract.

When we were making our maglev train some of it worked and some of it failed. We started off good and it was levitating and then we got to a piece that the magnets were attracting instead of repelling.

Our group worked really well together. There was a lot of teamwork going on. Everyone has their own job. Someone would do tape another would test the magnets two people put the magnets on the track and train. My group was also very nice to one and other if someone did something wrong they would just say it’s okay and we kept working. Our group was focused and got a lot done!