Final Blog Post

Final Plant Blog Post


This is our final blog post! The sad part is both of our plants are dead so we had to chuck it in the garbage can.


Our controlled that it used to be the colors for it was green, brown, yellow and White. Our highest is 12 cm and the smallest is 4 cm. The texture of is smooth and bubby on the leafs. In our controlled there are 3 seed pods. I thought that there would be 2 seeds because of the growth. I thought they would look not big not small but media.


Our manipulated is dead and we learned a lesson sugar water doesn’t work. Our colors for our manipulated purple, light green, green and yellow. Our high is 7 in a half and the smallest is 3 cm. It was very smooth. It had 5 seed pods. I thought it would have 3 seeds because of the color and height.


   Pollination is when one flowers pollen touches another flowers pollen it creates a seed. I manipulated my water for one of my plants instead of really water we used sugar water and it didn’t work. A stems job is to bring the water from the roots to the leafs.

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