Capstone Blog post 1

Blog post 1


In my class, we are doing Capstone!

My topic is balking and The reason I choose it because I always had a passion. I always find fun and amazing to express yourself and you can be creative. I’ve been baking for a long time, I can bake cakes, cookies, cupcakes, and much more. I really love baking


Well as you know I have to do this project virtually and for me, it has been very hard to understand if I can do this or if I did this right but now I think I kinda got used to it. One thing that was pretty stressful for me was the sub-questions because it was hard to think of questions that you had to research for not just a fact. For instance, when I had three out of five sub-questions I had no idea what I was going to do and I was really frustrated and not happy.


Well, now I know that everything’s gonna be okay and I’m excited to see how capstone goes because this is just a beginning.


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