Capstone blog post 2

Blog post 2


It’s time for interviews

It was very easy for me to find a person to interview because as you know I am a baker so I go to this person a lot for baking classes and she owns a very successful bakery in Harrison NY, Her name is Nora.

I emailed her through my mom’s Facebook account and she was up for it.


She helped me answer One of my sub-questions, That was How has technology helped baking and changed it throughout time. And since she owns a bakery she works with a lot of tools that use technology. 


Here are the questions I asked her

  1. What got you into baking
  2. What kinda tools have changed from then and now
  3. How the design that people use on cakes on cupcakes and all sweet treats changed throughout time
  4. Have any of the techniques you used and use now changed
  5. Have you noticed any technology used changed for baking
  6. What are some ingredients that used now used that you thought you were never gonna use
  7. What somethings you love to bake 
  8. Why did you choose baking as your job
  9. Do you think cooking and baking are similar
  10. What is one thing you don’t like about baking 


I thought my questions were good but once I got into the interview I had some others I wanted to ask some other questions about my topic but I didn’t do it.

 and also thought about how when I was about to say the question sometimes they didn’t seem so reasonable so I would try to think of something on the spot.


In the end, One thing that was so interesting that she said in the interview was that when she would cook with her grandma they wouldn’t use tools they would use there hands and she uses that in her bakery as well. Nora helped me so much and I have a great feeling that I will rock capstone!

Blog Post #2- launching and graphing Rocket 1

Rocket Blog Post


We did our launch!!!! It was so much fun. All our rocket went so high. Ours went very high, it went 38 metters. I got to be the launcher and the rocket placer. This is my rocket launch story.


We did our rocket launch on the field, the launcher was made out of a bicycle pump and a pvc pipe. When we got on to the field and we were getting set up for the first launch, which was my group. One of my group mebers was counting down 10 9 8 7 I was so nervous.


3 2 1 the rocket flies up so high at least it looks like it did. Everyone went wow, cause it was our first launch and also we went first but on everyones we all said wow on everyones. 


It was the next day after launching it was time to graph which means that we were gonna find out how high our rocket went next we chose the most reasonable hight and then we graphed it and it turns our rocket went 38 meters and we got second place which ‘m pretty happy about.